JULY 2005
take attention away from this project. The
Include Paragraph 1.10 if site has not been
criteria must be clear as these will be used in the
selected. Otherwise, delete text and leave
paragraph designation as "Reserved."
Insert required parking spaces in Paragraph
Part I--Section 3: Miscellaneous.
1.11. Contact person in (183C) in charge of
Section 3 covers a variety of topics. Editing or
performing parking analyses for guidance. (The
input will be necessary in only a few locations.
number of spaces required by VA is a minimum;
if local jurisdictions require more spaces, it is the
Review and adjust Liquidated Damages in
Lessor's responsibility to determine this and to
Paragraph 3.10 if necessary.
provide them.) Edit amenities to suit project
Building gross area and circulation should be
computed as the conceptual plans are
Paragraph 1.12 should be edited only if existing
Paragraph 3.14 provides for a
buildings are to be considered for lease.
deduction for circulation. Adjust the percentage
used for circulation if the conceptual design
Include special requirements in Paragraph 1.13.
shows a significant variance. The percentage
Coordinate with Paragraphs 4.2.1 and 4.2.8.
should not exceed 15%.
Insert information for General Wage Decision in
Edit Paragraphs 3.15 and 3.16 as appropriate
Paragraph 1.18.
for single-or multiple-tenant facilities.
Include Paragraph 1.19 if suitable space for the
In Paragraph, coordinate services
Resident Engineer's office is not available in
(departments) that require equipment plans with
reasonably close VA facility. Select office size
the Space Program in Part V, Schedule C.
and edit furnishings and equipment based on
size of RE staff assigned to the project.
Paragraph 3.23.3 specifies independent tech-
nical review of the documents prepared by the
Part I--Section 2: Offer Requirements,
Lessor. These checks are intended to help
identify potential deviations from solicitation
Section 2 defines the procedures and require-
requirements before the building is constructed.
ments used during evaluation of offers and
The SFO allows VA to tell the Offeror which
IDIQ contractor they are to use and how much
section will not require editing. Paragraph 2.1 is
they are to pay them to perform the reviews.
optional. Paragraphs and
Identify an IDIQ A/E who could be used for this
include options under Zoning and Control of
by contacting one of the COs in charge of the
Property depending on whether VA has obtained
IDIQ contracts. The IDIQ or other independent
an option on the property. Follow editing notes
entity should be familiar with VA criteria and
in the template. Since offers must be evaluated
standards to provide the necessary reviews but
solely in accordance with the factors and sub-
should also understand that this is not a VA-
factors stated in the SFO, attention should be
owned building and that the contents of the SFO
given to the evaluation criteria delineated here
rule. Insert the appropriate information in the
especially Building and Design Concept and
spaces provided.
Offeror's Qualifications. In the Building and
Design Concept, significant criteria are: ability to
Part I--Section 4: General Design Criteria.
accommodate facility layout; building design for
Section 4 contains "cross-disciplinary" criteria
VA program needs and goals, efficiency, energy
and standards that generally apply to the facility
conservation, and functionality; quality of
as a whole.
construction materials, especially their suitability
and durability; energy efficiency; and provision
The Requesting Service or Director shall verify
for natural lighting. Offeror's qualifications
requirements for TB patients. Edit Paragraph
should include evaluation of financial resources
4.2.1 accordingly.
of the offeror; experience of the construction
team, especially with projects of similar scope;
and the capacity to undertake this project, i.e.,
existing outstanding commitments which would