JULY 2005
areas in the documents that require decisions or
Parts and Sections
actions or to provide additional background or
There are eleven parts to the SFO. Part I has
guidance on the topic at hand.
multiple sections and subsections.
Delete Editing Notes from the final version of the
documents prior to issuing to Offerors. This is
easily done in Part I by turning on Styles.
Part I contains the bulk of the SFO documents
[Choose Format then Styles and Formatting;
and establishes the procedures used during
place your cursor in an Editing Note, choose
solicitation, negotiation, award, and implement-
Select All in the Styles box to the right of your
tation of the lease. Part I is subdivided into ten
screen, and press the delete key.]
Conventions for the Editing Notes in the
Template are:
Text between //---// marks indicate that a
decision must be made whether or not items
General Design Criteria;
are appropriate for the project; and
Site Design Criteria;
[____] marks indicate places to insert
Building Design Criteria;
information appropriate for the project.
Retain the paragraph number(s) and do not
Interior Design;
renumber the remaining paragraphs. When
Services, Utilities, and Maintenance;
paragraphs are deleted, change the heading(s)
to "Reserved."
Safety, Fire Protection, and
Environmental Management; and
Electronic Documents
(10) Instructions and Preparation.
Most of the template documents are in either
Each section will require review and may require
Microsoft Word or Excel format. If electronic
editing. Add identifying information for the OPC
documents are to be issued to Offerors, all
and project specific requirements to the template
documents should be in pdf form except for CAD
drawings and forms which require completion.
Part I--Section 1: Summary
Instructions for Excel spreadsheets with
formulas: These documents have been de-
Insert range of square feet and edit text in
signed with protection `on'. Offerors should be
Paragraph 1.1.
able to enter unit costs or quantities without
altering formulas used to derive extensions and
In Paragraph 1.2, enter the location of the site.
totals. The template documents are distributed
If the site is not already selected, the limits of the
with protection `on.' Unprotect the worksheets
approved delineated area would be entered
(no password is necessary) to insert information
to be completed by VA. Use caution to preserve
formulas and links. Re-apply protection prior to
In Paragraph 1.4 enter the term of the lease. In
issuing the documents with the SFO to Offerors.
most cases a 15-year term with one 5-year
Some documents have hidden columns. Uses
renewal option will provide the best value.
for hidden items are explained in the notes for
the individual documents. Since anyone can
Enter dates offers are due and required
remove protection without a password,
occupancy date in appropriate locations in
protection should be put on with a pass-
Paragraphs 1.5 and 1.6.
word; and the password should be recorded
in the project file established by the CO.
Insert CO name and addresses in Paragraph
This will prevent the Offerors from over-
writing or changing formulas.