JULY 2005
Service. The SFO must include criteria or
Development of the
specifications in functional, performance, or
Solicitation For Offers
design terms and include restrictive provisions to
fulfill only VA's minimum requirements, special
(SFO) Package
requirements, and delivery schedule. As a
minimum, the SFO will include the following:
Description of the Government's requirements;
The purpose of this section is to review the
steps in the preparation of the solicitation
Description of method the Government will use
documents to be issued to prospective Offerors.
to measure space;
Sections 4 and 5 in this Guide covered
Date, time, and place for the submission of
information and decisions required prior to the
final preparation and issuing of the SFO
Explanation of how offers are to be structured;
Explanation of how the Government will
This Guide includes templates of the documents
evaluate offers, identifying evaluation factors,
to be included in the SFO Package. [Refer to
and sub-factors and the weighting of other
Appendix C] The Template Documents are
factors compared to cost or price;
based on SFO documents issued by the GSA.
Indication that award will be made to Offeror
Because the space and equipment requirements
who meets the SFO's minimum criteria for
for OPCs are significantly different from typical
acceptable price, with other factors considered
GSA leased space (office or warehouse), the
(Best Value);
basic GSA documents have been edited to
Any forms prescribed by General Services
include the special requirements and features
Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) 570.7 and
usually found in VA OPCs.
required Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
and GSAR clauses;
This Section provides instructions for the use of
the template documents.
Description of the source selection procedures
the Government will use [See GSAR 570.304];
A statement outlining the information the
The SFO forms the basis for the lease
Government may disclose in briefings [See
negotiation process and becomes part of the
FAR 15.505 and 15.506].
lease. The CO should use the current version of
the Template Documents as the starting point
for the preparation of the SFO. The CO should
consider requesting the assignment of an RE to
monitor the project during construction. The CO
The Instructions below are intended to highlight
benefits most from involving the RE early in the
the portions of the template documents in which
specific actions or decisions are necessary, or to
provide additional background information to
supplement the editing notes in the template
documents. Specific instructions are not pro-
The Template SFO Documents are adapted for
vided in this Section of the Design Guide for
a build-to-suit project for a freestanding, single-
every paragraph or portion of the documents.
tenant OPC of at least 20,000 NUSF. They are
Although many parts of the template SFO will
adaptable to all leases for over 10,000 NUSF.
not require editing, all portions of the SFO
should be checked to verify coordination
between various parts, and to make the docu-
Prepare the SFO electronically and in hard copy.
ment project specific.
Editing Notes
The CO should modify the template documents
The template documents have been made
to reflect the selected site (or approved
general to cover many possible applications.
delineated area), space requirements, and build-
Editing Notes are provided throughout the
out to meet the needs of the Requesting
template documents to alert the preparer to