c. Excavation;
d. Enclosure;
e. Interior construction;
f. Procurement and installation of equipment;
g. Provisions for overtime or shift work;
h. Timing of relocation of existing equipment. (list any existing
equipment to be relocated);
i. Site utilities, temporary stairs, and roadway realignment; and
j. Tests and final inspection.
Role for VA's consultant A/E Team
A. The Government has determined that the Department of Veterans Affairs
team of architect and engineering (A/E) consultant firms who developed
this project to date (and produced these RFP documents) are not
available to be named as members of the Offerer's design team.
The VA
will retain their team for the remainder of the project's development
for review and monitoring purposes; and
B. For clarity the A/E team who produced these RFP documents are listed
(List name of A/E and Consultants).
Proposal Sections
Cost and Technical sections of the Offerors proposals will be evaluated
independently. Offeror shall separately bind each section.
Each section must
therefore be labeled with the Offeror's organization, business address, and VA
Project Number _____.
Cost Proposal Requirements
A. Carefully follow "Instructions, Conditions, and Notices to Offerors."
Standard Form 1442 (Solicitation, Offer, and Award) shall be used for
submitting offers.
Offerors shall affix their names and return
addresses in the lower left corner of the Offeror's envelope.
containing offers must be sealed.
Submit four copies of Standard Form
1442 with an offer guarantee as stipulated in the Section "Instructions,
Conditions, and Notices to Offerors";
B. Offerors shall submit separate prices for architect-engineer services,
construction work and other activities (and the equipment).
Section 304(b) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act,
VA is not authorized to obligate funds or pay for architect-engineer
services that exceed 6 percent of the estimated project cost, exclusive
of fees; and
C. Offeror shall include all required Representations and Certifications.