amendments, by number.
Submit sealed offers to the Construction
Contracting Officer, c/o Chief, Office of Acquisition and Material
Management (90), (insert address) on (Insert date and time), local time.
There will be no public opening of the offers; and
C. A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on (Insert date, time, and
Offerors, subcontractors, manufacturers and suppliers are
invited to attend.
Spec Writer Note:
Insert number of days.
Best and Final Offer
A. If determined to be necessary, best and final offers will be requested
from the original offers received.
The Contracting Officer will
identify those offerors whose proposals are within the competitive
range, considering the selection criteria identified in this section.
Negotiations may be conducted with those offerors falling within the
competitive range, after which best and final offers will be requested.
Those selected as within the competitive range will be given ______
calendar days to prepare their best and final offer.
Sealed best and
final offers will be submitted as per A2.1.B except as noted below and
will be due at a time and place to be determined.
There will be no
public opening of the offers; and
B. Offerors submitting best and final offers will not be requested to re-
submit any documents which are unchanged from their initial proposals.
Provide necessary changes as individual paragraphs or otherwise as
briefly as possible, together with a table of contents, which clarifies
where within the initial proposal additional or changed documents would
be placed.
Cost proposals shall include a completed SF 1442
(Solicitation Offer and Award) which acknowledges receiving all
amendments, by number.
A new Bid Bond shall be submitted only if the
best and final offeror's price proposal is greater than its initial
price proposal.
SPEC WRITER NOTE: Discuss selection
criteria with the Contracting Officer and
make changes as necessary. The
percentages shown and evaluation criteria
are examples only. These should be
developed on a project specific basis.
Project design can also be added to the
selection criteria.