9) Height and configuration of storage racks and shelving if provided with
10) Provide reference note to HVAC drawings that indicate interconnection
HVAC system (dampers, fans) with duct smoke detectors and/or fire alarm
system; and
b. Provide final calculations.
c. Submit fire protection specifications in format provided in CD1, paragraph
a. Provide complete and final engineering calculations of all systems. In
addition to the up-dated room-by-room heating and cooling calculations, perform
and submit the following calculations:
1) Final selection of all pumps with the pump head calculations based on
the actual piping layout and takeoffs, and pressure drop through the equipment
selected for the systems;
2) Final selection of all fans with the fan static pressure calculations based
on the actual duct layouts and takeoffs, and static pressure drop through the
equipment for the systems;
3) Sizing and selection of all expansion tanks based on the actual piping
layout and volume computation;
4) Sizing and selection of all steam to hot water convertors and heat
exchangers based on the flow requirement of each terminal unit, that is, duct
mounted reheat coil, box (air terminal unit) mounted reheat coil, unit heaters,
convectors, finned tube radiation, radiant ceiling panels, etc.; and
5) Sound analysis of various systems and steps taken to ensure
compliance with the specified noise levels.
b. Provide complete selection data, including catalogue cuts and calculations,
for all HVAC equipment and drawings showing all equipment schedules.
c. Complete the coordination requirements with electrical, plumbing, and steam
generation by providing revised information (if any) developed since the last
submission. In addition, complete coordination with the architectural drawings
(louvers, ceiling access panels, reflected ceiling plans, etc.) and structural drawings
(operating weights of ceiling and floor mounted equipment, concrete and steel
supports, roof and floor openings, etc.).
Program Guide, PG-18-15, Volume B
Construction Documents 1
May 2006
Page 47