a. Submit 100 percent complete and coordinated drawings including plans,
elevations, sections, details, schedules, general notes and boring logs.
b. Submit a complete set of final calculations. Index calculations, provide page
numbers, and bound with removable metal fastenings.
c. If rock excavation is required, show the estimated quantity of rock on the
drawings by type (i.e., bulk, trench, caisson, etc.) that reflects on the cost of doing
the work.
d. On projects where the A/E has not prepared the Design Development
documents and the project is proceeding directly into development of Construction
Documents, provide a Structural Engineering Analysis Submission. Within six
weeks from Notice to Proceed, perform the following:
1) Submit sketches, calculations, and the cost estimates of three alternative
structural systems for typical bays to justify the selected structural system.
Include the foundation and fireproofing costs in estimates. Assess the
economics of each structural system with due consideration of the system's
cost effect on the entire building assembly;
2) If a subsurface investigation is necessary and has not been performed or
additional investigation is required, submit:
a) Criteria and boring location plan for the subsurface investigation.
Attention should be given to possible local critical soil conditions; and
b) Qualifications of three consultants being considered for the
subsurface investigation. Submit the proposal of the consultant
recommended as the most qualified. Indicate the reasons for the selection.
Start subsurface investigation upon approval of the proposal by the Project
Manager; and
3) For vertical expansion projects, analyze existing structure for structural
e. Submit structural specifications in format provided in CD1, paragraph 16,
Program Guide, PG-18-15, Volume B
Construction Documents 1
Page 52
May 2006