parking lots, service courts and other major elements of the site design. Indicate
contractor's staging area.
e. Completed subsurface investigation report for road, parking, and other
paving design.
f. Submit construction details for major site and landscape. Complete detailing
of miscellaneous items is not required for this submission.
g. Provide signage plan and signage schedule, substantially complete, with site
locations, construction details and sign face graphics.
h. Include a planting plan, substantially complete, with symbols showing
location of all trees, shrubs, planting beds and lawns. Provide a complete planting
list and planting details with common name, genus and species, size/caliper and
special comments at a minimum. Check plants for suitability to the micro climate
and availability. Indicate any areas to be irrigated.
Submit topographic, utility, and landscape survey drawings.
See DD2, paragraph 16, SPECIFICATIONS, for specification requirements.
Submit updated space accounting summary table.
a. Submit several sample specifications sections of VA Master Construction
Specifications edited with pencil to reflect scope of work of the project for each
technical discipline.
b. Provide separate lists indicating contract specifications that will be required
for each technical discipline.
a. Refine all steam and condensate load calculations. Revise piping and
equipment calculations as necessary. Calculate the performance requirements for
all steam traps. Calculate pipe stress and select the proper expansion facilities for
piping in manholes, tunnels and trenches. Submit all calculations.
b. Show all site features on the plot plans, including other underground utilities
which cross the system.
c. Provide profile drawings of the systems showing all underground utilities.
Program Guide, PG-18-15, Volume B
Design Development 2
May 2006
Page 41