Storm Water Drainage Systems
Drain roof at low points by gravity through inside leaders; house storm drains to site storm drains
or catch basin. Size storm drain pipe based on rainfall per hour and slope per Uniform Plumbing
Code. Where roof drains are provided, install overflow drains with a flow line located two inches
above low point of the roof and drain independently by gravity through inside leaders; discharge
through the face of building or to catch basins.
Sanitary Drainage and Vent Systems
Drain plumbing fixtures by gravity through the sanitary drainage system to the street sanitary
sewer. Provide venting of the sanitary system per the local plumbing code requirements.
Computer Room Drainage
Provide piped drainage in the computer room for A/C condensate.
Domestic Water Supply Systems
Extend metered service to the building(s) and the fire system from the water main on site.
Distribute water through mains, risers and branches to the plumbing fixtures and equipment.
When street pressure is inadequate, system operation should be provided pressure by a domestic
booster pump. The system shall maintain a maximum velocity of eight fps at design flow conditions.
Velocities should be lower in acoustically sensitive areas to minimize sound transmission. Limit
pressure to 80 psi at fixtures and equipment with pressure-reducing valves. The highest fixture
should be provided with a minimum of 35 psi. The system shall prevent water hammer conditions
by providing water hammer arrestors in accordance with ASSE 1010 for sealed wall installations
without access panels. Size and locate arrestors per Plumbing Drainage Institute (PDI)
requirements for batteries of flush valve fixtures and for quick-closing valves. Hot water shall be
provided at fixtures per code requirements.
Irrigation Systems
An irrigation system shall be included in the project on a case-by-case basis. If selected for the
project, provide cold-water irrigation with a reduced pressure backflow preventer with valved and
capped connections.