Conduits shall be rigid where used in damp or exposed locations, or where specifically required by
Code. PVC Schedule 40 conduits shall be used where routed underground. Electrical metallic
tubing shall be used in dry concealed locations and furred ceiling spaces. Flexible conduits shall be
used for final connections to recessed lighting fixtures, to motor driven equipment and vibrating
equipment. PVC Schedule 40 conduits shall be used for concrete encased feeders, and rigid PVC
conduits shall be used for underground branch circuit electrical or signal extensions. All flex metal
conduit, feeders, branch circuits and electrical runs shall include a ground conductor. Minimum
conduit size is to be 0.5 inches, except underground, where it shall be a minimum of 0.75 inches.
Conductors shall be copper with 600-volt insulation for low voltage distribution. Conductors No. 8
and larger shall be stranded, Type THWN. Smaller conductors shall be solid type THHN/THWN.
Aluminum conductors are not allowed. Conductors for use in high temperature locations shall be
insulated as required by the NEC. Minimum size of power conductors shall be No. 12 AWG.
Wiring Devices
Receptacles and switches shall be NEMA, heavy-duty type. Wiring devices shall be specification or
commercial grade. Switches shall have a quiet, positive action, with contacts rated at 20 amps, 277-
volt inductive loads without de-rating. Handles shall be of the toggle type, except locking type
should be used in public areas. Receptacles on isolated ground circuits shall be orange.
Lighting fixtures shall generally be state-of-the-art, efficient semi-indirect linear pendant
luminaries with electronic ballast(s) and T5HO fluorescent lamps, for office areas and surface
mounted or pendant type fixtures for service, storage and utility areas. Fluorescent fixtures shall
provide the following characteristics:
♦ Maximum illumination of 50 footcandles at the worksurface.
♦ High Visual Comfort Probability (VCP) of 90 or greater.
♦ Provide lighting in accordance with the latest Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) requirements.
Recessed fixtures shall be equipped with frames and supports as required by ceiling construction.
♦ Units shall be sealed to prevent light leaks.
♦ Fixtures shall be inspected, approved and bear the label of Underwriters' Laboratories Inc.
♦ Where general use plastic diffusers or lenses are specified for a fixture, plastic shall be 100 percent
pure virgin acrylic. Thickness (top to bottom dimension) shall not be less than 0.125 inches.
♦ Fixtures shall have one support wire affixed to each corner.