JULY 2005
Issuing of SFO Through
verify that each offer is complete and does not
contain irregularities that would prohibit further
Award of Contract
consideration. The CO will establish a Tech-
nical Evaluation Board (TEB), and will
assemble and transmit necessary data to the
TEB. This data includes the SFO, any Addenda,
This section addresses the issuing of the SFO
the Technical Components of the Offers, and
through award of the contract for a new
instructions on scoring. The TEB does not
freestanding, single-tenant outpatient clinic, i.e.,
receive any portions of the offer that allude to
a build-to-suit project, of 20,000 or more net
the proposed lease rate.
usable square feet. The steps in this leasing
process differ somewhat from those that would
Concurrent with the TEB determination, the CO
be followed for leasing existing facilities. For
and COR perform a Net Present Value (NPV) of
that situation, refer to the Draft VA Handbook
all initial offers. Once the TEB has evaluated
7815, Paragraphs 5 and 6.
each initial offer and rated and ranked it against
the evaluation criteria, the CO must decide if an
award can be made based on the initial offers.
The VA may initiate action to award a contract at
Having tailored the Template SFO to the
any point after review of the initial offers if this
particular needs of the OPC, the CO submits the
has been stated in the SFO.
SFO for approval to 182C, Capital Asset
Management and Planning Service. Upon
If an award cannot be made at this time, the CO
approval and incorporation of changes, the CO
will establish a Competitive Range of all the
issues the SFO to all interested parties. These
most highly rated proposals based on the
parties are Offerors who expressed interest in
technical and cost evaluations. The CO may
response to the advertisement. [See Section 4
of this guide.]
to the establishment of the competitive range.
Prior to receiving the offers, the CO can receive
If the CO determines that the number of
written requests for information or clarification
proposals that would otherwise be in the
from the Offerors. These will be turned over to
competitive range exceeds the number at which
the appropriate acquisition team members,
an efficient competition can be conducted, the
(Engineering Service (ES), Requesting
CO may limit the number of proposals in the
Service (RS), General/Regional Counsel
competitive range to the greatest number that
(GC/RC), Other Technical staff (OT), Resident
will permit an efficient competition among the
Engineer (RE), IDIQ Contractor, or other team
most highly rated proposals. A competitive
members responsible for all or portions of the
range is set by determining the maximum
SFO) for the formulation of a response. Upon
position or most advantageous deal that the VA
receipt of these responses, the CO will evaluate
thinks it can obtain; the minimum or least
suggested changes to the SFO and prepare and
advantageous deal the CO is willing to accept;
issue Addenda to the SFO.
and the target, which is the deal the CO expects
to be able to obtain given several reasonable
The CO will evaluate the need for a Pre-Offer
and predictable tradeoffs.
Conference and conduct one, if deemed
necessary. Likely participants in this conference,
The CO will abstract and analyze the offers and
in addition to the CO and the Offerors, are
then develop a Pre-Negotiation Plan. This plan
representatives from Engineering Service, the
includes the Competitive Range and an
IDIQ Contractor, and other VA staff as
evaluation of those areas in each offer that
necessary. It is the CO's responsibility to
should be targeted for negotiations. With this in
carefully coach these members of the team on
hand, the CO provides a written notice to the
what topics they may respond to and what types
Offerors who have been excluded based upon
of responses they may make.
the Competitive Range or other factors. The CO
will then negotiate on behalf of the Government
with the Offerors within the competitive range.
The CO receives the offers and checks them to
determine compliance with the submittal
requirements of the SFO. This is a check to