JULY 2005
VAMC. VA Medical Center.
individual acquisition. The variation must include
the salient features of the FAR or GSAR provision
VHA. Veterans Health Administration.
or clause. It must also be consistent with the
intent, principle, and substance of the FAR or
VISN. Veterans Integrated Service Network.
GSAR provision or clause and related coverage
on the subject matter.
VSO. Veterans Service Organizations.
Succeeding Lease. A lease contract entered into
Wall, Curtain. A non-bearing, enclosing wall of
by the Government to provide continued
metal, glass, masonry, or wood.
occupancy of a facility for which the Government
does not have lease renewal rights and where no
Wareyard. Open land commonly used for parking
significant changes or alterations in the space are
or storage.
Superseding Lease. A lease contract entered
into by the Government for a currently occupied
facility, which cancels the existing lease. A
superseding lease is appropriate when the lease
document and/or premises require substantial
modifications which cannot be adequately
addressed by executing a SLA. A superseding
lease cannot change the term of the pre-existing
TEB. Technical Evaluation Board. The board
established by the Contracting Officer to rate and
rank the proposals against the evaluation criteria.
The TEB does not address cost or proposed
lease rates.
Temporary Lease. An interim procurement of
space resulting in a lease of limited duration,
usually six months or less.
Turnkey. A term used to describe any job or
contract in which the contractor agrees to
complete the work to a certain specified point and
to assume all risk. For leases, a turnkey contract
requires the Lessor to complete all specified
alterations necessary for the Government to
occupy the space.
UBC. Uniform Building Code.
UFAS. Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards.
USF Usable Square Foot - ANSI/BOMA. See
"Area, Usable".
VA. Department of Veterans Affairs.
VAAR. VA Acquisition Regulations.
VACO. VA Central Office.