JULY 2005
Abbreviations & Definitions
machine rooms, electrical equipment, wire closets,
telephone frame rooms, and transfer vaults.
ACO. Administrative Contracting Officer. A duly
Area, Rentable. The space in a building for
designated appointee of the CO to whom
which a tenant pays rent. It includes usable area
administration of the lease contract has been
and may include a pro rata portion of building
support/common areas such as elevator lobbies,
building corridors, and floor service area.
ADA. Americans with Disabilities Act.
Area, Usable. "Usable Area" or "ANSI/BOMA
A/E. Architect/Engineer.
Usable" means that portion of the gross area that
is available for use by an occupant's personnel or
A&MM. Acquisitions and Material Management.
furnishings. It is measured to the inside finish of
the dominant portion, e.g., window glass line, of
Appraisal. A written statement that sets forth a
permanent exterior walls. It also includes circu-
value of a specific property as of a given date.
lation within the space assignment.
Appraiser. An MAI professional who estimates
The value assigned to real
quantity, quality, and value based on facts
property for taxation purposes.
gathered during an investigation of the market
BCA. Benefit Cost Analysis. The methodology
utilized to compare the relative advantages of
Area, Building Support. The portion of the floor
procuring the following three interests in real
area that is not usable by an occupant's personnel
property: (1) a leasehold interest; (2) a fee simple
or furnishings. It consists of the mechanical,
interest in improved real property; and (3) a fee
public toilet, custodial, lobby and main entrance,
simple interest in unimproved real property which
circulation, chases, and construction areas,
the Government will improve by new construction.
including their enclosing walls, and represents the
difference between gross area and usable area.
BOCA. Building Officials and Code Admini-
strators International.
Area, Circulation. That portion of the gross area,
both horizontal and vertical, which is for physical
BOMA. The Building Owners and Managers
access to the space. Includes lobbies, ceiling-
Association which develops private industry's
high corridors which cannot be removed or to
most acceptable standards of floor measurement
which the public has unrestricted access,
for office buildings.
stairwells, elevator shafts, and escalators.
Building Code. Locally adopted ordinance or
Area, Gross. The sum of all building floor areas,
regulation controlling the design, construction,
which have floor surfaces and clear standing
alteration, repair, quality of materials, use and
headroom of 8 feet, including basements (except
occupancy, and related factors of any building or
unexcavated portions), attics, garages, roofed
structure within a jurisdiction.
porches, mezzanines, loading platforms, shipping
platforms, penthouses, mechanical equipment
A line fixed at certain
Building Setback.
spaces, floors, lobbies, and corridors. Gross area
distances from the front, sides, and back property
does not include open courts, light wells, upper
lines beyond which no building or part of a
portions of rooms, lobbies, etc., which rise above
building can project.
the story being measured, drives, ramps,
unroofed areas such as cooling towers and
CADD. Computer Aided Design and Drafting.
unenclosed portions at ground level, or inter-
mediate stories.
CARES. Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced
Area, Mechanical. That portion of the gross area
designed to house mechanical equipment,
CBA. Cost Benefit Analysis.
including boiler rooms, stacks, cooling towers,
CBD. Central Business District.