JULY 2005
domain, upon depositing the estimated just
Central Contractor Registration. The
compensation into the Registry of the Court.
primary Government repository for Contractor
Cost. The actual price paid for real estate, goods,
information required for the conduct of business
and other procurements.
with the Government. See FAR 52.204-7.
Contracting Officer's Representative.
CD. Construction Documents.
Usually a Realty Specialist, the COR provides
CFR. Code of Federal Regulations. A codification
contracting expertise and is the liaison among the
CO, other VA elements, and the potential Lessors
of the general and permanent rules published in
and their agents.
the Federal Register by the Executive Depart-
ments and Agencies of the Federal Government.
COTR. Contracting Officer's Technical Repre-
CICA. The Competition in Contracting Act of
sentative. A qualified member of Engineering
Service or a consultant who advises the CO on
1984. A federal statute that requires all Federal
such matters as the technical progress of the
procurements be completed using full and open
Lessor's alterations and conformance with the
competition to the greatest extent possible, except
Government's plans and specifications.
in certain special circumstances.
Debarment. As defined in FAR Part 9.406,
CIP. Capital Investment Process. Means by
debarment means actions taken by a debarring
which a project is approved by the agency for
official to exclude a contractor from Federal
inclusion into the annual Congressional budget.
Government contracting and Federal Govern-
A systematic process of
ment-approved sub-contracting for a reasonable
specified period; a contractor so excluded is
ensuring that all building systems perform
interactively according to the contract documents,
the owner's objectives and operational needs.
Declaration of Taking. The document filed in the
This is achieved ideally by developing and
United States District Federal Court in a
documenting Project Requirements beginning in
condemnation proceedings to acquire an interest
the pre-design phase, continuing through design
in real property.
with reviews of design and contract documents,
and continuing through construction and the
Delineated Area. That geographical area, as
warranty period with actual verification through
review, testing, and documentation of per-
precisely described in an advertisement and the
formance. (See Part I, Section 6.4.4, LBOC
SFO, from which acceptable offered sites will be
Template SFO, Appendix C.)
Discounting. Conversion of future costs and
Common Area Factor. This is a conversion
future incomes into their present values. It is the
factor determined by a building owner and applied
concept of value which holds that the present
to the BOMA Usable Square Feet to determine
values of future costs or incomes decrease with
the rentable square feet for offered space.
the amount of time that will elapse before those
CNO. Chief Network Officer.
costs are paid or incomes are received.
Drawings, As-Built. Drawings prepared after
CO. Contracting Officer. An individual with the
construction showing actual placement of
authority to enter into, administer, and/or ter-
partitions and other architectural, structural,
minate contracts and make related findings and
mechanical features, and final site plan layout.
determinations. For procedure set forth in this
Guide, the CO authority will reside within VACO,
Drawings, Shell. Reproducible, scaled drawings
Real Property Service (183C).
showing exterior walls and permanent interior
Condemnation. The act of the Government to
features such as columns, lobbies, core areas,
corridor partitions, stairwells, elevator shafts,
acquire an interest in real property, such as fee,
toilets, mechanical areas, and wire closets.
leasehold or easement, under the right of eminent