JULY 2005
includes, but is not limited to, adequate lighting,
Works Committees of the Congress when the net
heating and ventilation, floor covering, finished
rental will exceed the prospectus threshold which
walls, and accessibility. The space may consist of
is indexed annually.
a large open area or may be partitioned into
Prospectus (VA-funded Projects). Legislation
rooms. Private corridors, closets, and similar
areas that have been created within office-type
applicable to VA (Title 38, Section 8104, U.S.C.)
space through the erection of partitions shall be
sets the prospectus approval level at 0,000
coded as office-type space. Office-type space
per annum.
has no subsets. Office space includes corridors
Rent and Related Services. Consideration paid
which have restricted public access and which
could be eliminated to make that space suitable
for the use of leased property plus the costs of
for office use. It also includes corridors, whether
operational services whether furnished by the
or not they can be removed, which have restricted
Lessor, the Government, or both.
public access and solely serve the security and
Rentable Square Foot See "Area, Rentable."
convenience of the tenant.
Space, Special (Type). Space which, because of
RE. Resident Engineer. Office of Facilities
architectural features or the installation of fixed
Management (FM) engineer assigned as on-site
construction observer. The RE may function as
(built-in) equipment and special utilities,
the COTR if designated by the CO.
necessitates the expenditure of varying additional
sums of money to construct, maintain, and/or
SBA. Small Business Administration.
operate as compared to office and storage space
(print shops, computer facilities, health units,
SFO. Solicitation for Offers. A written document
laboratories, etc.).
that the Government uses to communicate the
Space generally
Space, Storage (Type).
exact minimum specifications of its space
constructed with concrete, woodblock, or
requirements to potential Offerors.
unfinished floors; bare block or brick interior walls;
SLA. Supplemental Lease Agreement.
unfinished ceiling and similar construction
containing only essential lighting and heating. This
SLAP Simplified Lease Acquisition Procedures.
type of space would include basements,
warehouses, sheds, inside parking areas, attics,
The procedures for awarding leases at or below
unimproved areas of loft buildings, and
the Simplified Lease Acquisition Threshold.
unimproved building cores.
SLAT Simplified Lease Acquisition Threshold.
Space, Warehouse. Space with warehouse
0,000 average annual rent for the term of the
features, such as heavy live floor-load capacity,
lease, including option periods and excluding the
high ceilings, large capacity freight elevators,
cost of operational services.
loading docks (truck and/or rail), industrial lighting,
Small Business. A concern, including affiliates,
large open floor areas, or any combination of the
majority of these features. Minor amounts of
which is organized for profit, is independently
supporting office may be included.
owned and operated, is not dominant in the field
of leasing commercial real estate, and has annual
SRP. Space Requirements Package. Requesting
average gross receipts of million or less for
Services documents which generally describe the
the preceding three fiscal years.
minimum specifications of the required space. The
Solicitation for Offers. See SFO.
SRP may include layout plans, equipment
specifications, parking requirements, and other
Space. This term means the premises leased or
detailed documents.
to be leased. The quantity of space is most often
Substantially as follows or substantially the
expressed in terms of square feet.
same, as when used in prescribing a provision
or clause. Legal Counsel may prepare and use a
Space, Office (Type). This space must provide
variation of such provision or clause to
an acceptable environment suitable in its present
accommodate requirements peculiar to an
state for an office operation. This requirement