JULY 2005
ment of supplies and services, including
construction, whether by purchase or lease, by
GSA. GSAR Part 570 describes procedures
System (DUNS) Number, issued by Dun and
and policies regarding acquisition of leasehold
Bradstreet, Inc., identifies contractors and
interests in real property. GSA created this part
provides a link to information about the
of GSAR due to the unique aspects of procuring
contractor's business.
leasehold interests in real property. Generally,
This is an
Escalator Clause, Leasing.
leased space under a delegation of authority
from GSA is subject to the GSAR requirements.
agreement in the lease contract that provides for
an adjustment in rental payments in the event of
Highest and Best Use. The most profitable use,
an increase or decrease of certain costs such as
services or utilities.
which a property can be put or adapted and for
Expenses, Fixed. These are costs for taxes,
which there is a current market.
Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning.
equipment, which vary little from year to year.
IBC. International Building Code.
Expenses, Operating. These are expenses for
janitorial services, heating and air-conditioning,
Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity
Contractor. Contractors retained under the IDIQ
operating a building.
form of contract.
FAR. (The Federal Acquisition Regulation) Title
Income, Gross. Total receipts received by a
48, CFR, sets forth the Federal Acquisition
Lessor during a scheduled period.
Regulations System, a system which was
established for the codification and publication of
Income, Net. The gross income minus the
uniform policies and procedures for acquisition by
Lessor's expenses is equal to the net income.
all Civilian Executive Agencies.
Just Compensation. A monetary payment by
FedBiz. Formerly known as the Commerce
Business Daily. Advertisements for goods and
the Government for an interest in real property
either by a voluntary conveyance from the owner
services desired by the Federal government can
or by a condemnation action filed in the United
be placed in this on-line publication.
States District Court.
Fee, Management. Compensation for time spent
Any individual, firm,
Landlord or Lessor.
managing the lease by the Lessor.
partnership, trust, association, State or local
Floor Load. The weight stated in pounds per
government, or other legal entity that leases real
property to the Government.
square foot which, if uniformly distributed, may
safely be placed upon the floor of a building. This
Lease Acquisition. The acquiring by lease of
is also known as the live load. The weight of the
an interest in improved real property for use by
building itself, including equipment such as boilers
the Federal Government, whether the space
and machinery, is known as dead load and is not
already exists or must be constructed.
FPMR. Federal Property Management Regu-
Lease or Leasehold Interest in Real Property.
A conveyance to the Government of the right of
lation. Those regulations, policies, procedures
exclusive possession of real property for a definite
and delegations of authority pertaining to the
period of time by a landlord. It may include
management of property, both personal and real,
operational services provided by the landlord.
as set forth in Chapter 101 of Title 41, CFR.
Lease, Gross. A gross lease is one in which the
GSA. General Services Administration.
Lessor assumes all operating costs.
GSAR. General Services Acquisition Regulation.
GSAR applies to all contracts for the procure-