JULY 2005
Pre-SFO Issues--
with it, the CO must score the project to
determine whether the lease is likely to be a
Contracting, Administrative,
capital lease [see Capital Lease Checklist in
Appendix A].
Appropriate budgeting action
Fiscal & Legal
should be undertaken depending in line with the
outcome of this scoring.
The Space Requirement Package
The request for space is the first activity to be
considered and may be divided into the following
Requesting Service submits the Space
Requirement Package (SRP) to the CO for
Establish the Requirement and Obtain
certification. The SRP is a description of the
physical space requirements based on manage-
Create Competition and Survey the Market
ment decisions about staffing, organizational
Develop the Solicitation For Offers
structure, and projected workload and workflow.
Prepare Contract, Obtain Clearance and
The SRP should be presented in enough detail
to allow the Acquisition Team to obtain space
Monitor Preparation of and Accept Premises
which will meet the minimum requirements for
Administer Lease
satisfactory occupancy.
As the responsible
The first two phases are discussed in this
entity, the Requesting Service should work
section of the Design Guide.
closely with Engineering Service and the CO
while preparing the SRP.
At a minimum,
standard programming data is required. [Refer
to Section 5 of this report for a discussion of
Space Criteria.] Quantities and types of space
must be identified.
The Acquisition Plan
Once the Project File is established, the Con-
In addition to the space program, the SRP
tracting Officer (CO) develops an Acquisition
addresses the delineated area, the quality of
Plan. The purpose of the Acquisition Plan is to
space, parking, and timing considerations.
identify, coordinate, and integrate the efforts of
all personnel responsible for the acquisition in
the appropriateness of space include access-
order to fulfill the agency needs in a timely
ibility to public transportation, eating establish-
manner at a reasonable cost.
ments, and lodging; visibility to major roadways;
and proximity to acute care facilities. Require-
The CO forms the Acquisition Team to ensure
ments for parking should be included as well.
that agreement is reached regarding the require-
Although VA Central Office may perform a
Parking Analysis, consult local jurisdictional
codes in determining the number required. The
larger number of spaces needs to be incor-
Benefit Cost Analysis
porated in the requirements. The SRP must
identify when the facility is needed and for how
The CO determines how the space will be
long, depending on projected workloads and the
obtained by performing a Benefit Cost
workload curve over time.
For support,
Analysis (BCA). The BCA includes reviewing
reference may be made to the project in the
of market prices for buying, constructing,
Capital Investment Process or in the Capital
entering into service agreements, renovating VA
Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services
controlled space, or leasing space. The CO
(CARES) Report.
compares the total net cost per Usable Square
Foot (USF) stated in present value dollars, to
Certification of the SRP
procure space under the various alternatives.
The BCA report worksheets and instructions for
The CO reviews the SRP submitted by the
their completion can be found in Appendix A.
Medical Center/Veterans Integrated Service
The BCA becomes part of the project file and as
Network (VISN) to verify that it is complete and
forwarded to Real Property Service (183C) with
contains all required information needed to
lease request. For the purposes of this Design
proceed with the acquisition.
Guide, the Leasing Alternative would have been
selected. As part of the BCA or in coordination