JULY 2005
General Information
Section 6 focuses on the preparation of the SFO
package based on decisions reached from the
activities in Sections 4 and 5.
This Design Guide is intended for use in
assisting the VA team in the acquisition of a new
Section 7 addresses the issuance and award of
freestanding Outpatient Clinic (OPC) of greater
the contract.
than 20,000 usable square feet, average annual
rent greater than 0,000 and not located at a
Section 8 identifies issues that arise during
Medical Center.
construction and includes procedures to ensure
quality of the completed facility.
In addition to an overview of the lease process,
this Guide contains checklists and template
Section 9 addresses finalization of the lease
documents to assist the team during the
following VA acceptance of the space,
planning and preparation of the solicitation
administration of the lease during its term,
documents. These documents are intended to
including its ultimate closeout.
alert VA staff and consultants to the choices and
issues to be addressed during the process and
Appendix A includes worksheets, forms,
to provide a uniform basis for soliciting offers for
checklists, and examples of documents which
all new OPCs. The template was developed as
are mentioned in this Guide. Appendix B
a comprehensive document whose purpose was
contains the Design Guide Plates; these Design
to reduce omissions and resulting addenda to
Guide Plates have been selected as pertinent to
the Solicitation for Offers (SFO) or Supplemental
a leased OPC. While updating the plates was
Leasing Agreements (SLA). The template is not
not part of the current effort, they have been
project or site specific. It does not replace the
cursorily updated. Appendix C contains the
exercise of judgment on the part of VA
Template SFO. These materials have been
personnel in matters of fiscal, leasing, or legal
consolidated from existing VA Standards,
matters or in matters of architectural and
Guides, Manuals, and criteria applicable to the
engineering design, construction, and facilities
planning, design, and construction of an OPC.
Starting in Section 4, checklists have been
This Guide is comprised of nine sections with
included as an aid to persons involved in the
supplemental material (including a template
process. These checklists identify tasks, the
SFO) in three appendices.
person responsible for the task, those involved
in it, documents to be completed or submitted as
Section 1 contains a statement of purpose as
a result of the task, and to whom they are to be
well as acknowledgements of the participants
who contributed to developing this Guide.
Two major efforts take place throughout the
Section 2 contains general information (how to
leasing of an OPC. The contractual side of the
use this Guide), abbreviations, and definitions.
process involves leasing, administrative, real
estate, fiscal, and legal staff; and the
Section 3 provides an overview of the lease
architecture-engineering side may involve both
VA technical staff and an Indefinite Delivery
Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contractor as
Section 4 details development of pre-SFO
consultant to VA.
administrative, legal, fiscal, real estate, space
planning, and design actions.
It is recommended that users unfamiliar with the
leasing process read Draft Lease Handbook
Section 5 focuses on special technical pre-SFO
7815 for an understanding of the VA leasing
issues including layout and spatial requirements
Those already familiar with the
and selection of technical requirements from VA
process can proceed to the overview provided in
Standards and Guides.
Section 3 of this Design Guide.