a. Delineate the approved architectural concept from Schematics 1. Submit,
as a minimum, a single line layout for all floors, penthouses, and roof areas with
double line exterior walls at a scale not less than 1:100 (1/8" = 1'-0"). Incorporate
all revisions from comments on the previous submittal. Show all rooms, doors,
corridors, basic column grid, assumed column sizes, expansion and seismic joint
locations, electrical closets and equipment rooms, signal and telephone closets,
mechanical shafts and space, and all vertical circulation, e.g., stairs, conveyers, and
elevators, and automatic conveyances. Doors may be indicated with a slash mark.
In schematics, lines between spaces shall indicate the centerline of the partition.
Along a corridor, the line shall represent the corridor side of the partition. Net areas
should be clear space and should not include partitions.
b. Label each room or space with its name and the required program net area
over the designed net area. Names on drawings shall be the same as those used
in the Square Footage Requirements Worksheets. The area figures shall appear in
fractional form, e.g., 400/390. Space provided but not called for in the Square
Footage Requirements Worksheets shall be indicated as -/390. The designed net
area shall exclude such circulation space within the room as is permitted by the
space planning criteria.
c. Show the overall exterior dimensions for determining the total building gross
d. Show preliminary building sections, as needed, to define building
configuration, area and volume. All floor to floor heights shall be indicated. Draw
typical wall sections showing proposed building systems and materials. Neat,
freehand drawings are acceptable.
e. Space Program Accounting Summary shall be submitted, tabulating
program net areas, design net areas, and building gross areas for all structures.
Note on the drawing if the building is fully sprinklered
g. Submit preliminary elevations of all facades showing massing, proposed
fenestration, the relationship of the building to adjacent structures and the finish
grade. The elevations should show all significant building materials, any proposed
roof top mechanical equipment and architectural screens. Indicate all vertical
h. Submit written descriptions and elevations of each side of all buildings in
sufficient detail for the Exterior Design Review.
Program Guide, PG-18-15, Volume D
June 1999
Page 19