1. GENERAL: If not developed during the Master Plan stage nor furnished
by VA, provide a minimum of three alternate development plans. VA will review the
alternate development plans and select one or a combination of several to be further
developed for Schematics 2.
a. The A/E shall become thoroughly familiar with the cemetery site. The A/E is
expected to provide the following in narrative and graphic form:
(1) An analysis of the site in relation to the surrounding community, mass
transit routes, utilities, etc. Include restrictions, on and off site, zoning ordinances,
easements, etc., that may impact the design and costs. Identify items of historical
significance. Make contact with local jurisdictions over issues that may affect off-
site roads and utilities.
(2) A circulation study to evaluate ingress/egress to the site by cars, trucks,
mass transit traffic and pedestrians, including the physically disabled.
b. Using the site analysis data, provide several site development alternatives
based on the requirements in the Scope of Work for the project.
c. Show on the development concept, proposed structures, interment areas,
and the other scope requirements including site preparation and demolition. Show
expansion potential.
d. Indicate finish floor elevations for each proposed structure and spot
elevations at critical locations such as entrances, walks, intersections, etc.
e. While alternatives are being developed, proceed with acquiring
topographic, utility, and landscape surveys at a scale of 1:400 (approximately
1" = 30'). Submit your survey specifications to the VA Project Manager for
Program Guide, PG-18-15, Volume D
June 1999
Page 15