JULY 2005
SFO NO. V101-183R-xxx-xxx-xx
condition before departing the site. If necessary, Lessor shall acquire material by quickest
available means and include work outside normal hours. If further labor or materials are required
after the emergency is neutralized, the Lessor shall have the repairs completed within three (3)
working days or within such other reasonable time as agreed to by the government. The Lessor
shall have available generally used spare parts and common building materials to support
emergency requirements. Lack of standard material shall not be a cause for non-performance.
b. Service calls will be classified as routine when the condition does not qualify as an emergency
call. Eighty-five (85%) of all routine calls shall be completed within five (5) working days after the
receipt of the call, with remainder being completed within ten (10) working days.
Editing Note: Exhibit I provides additional breakdown of cost
components included in Parts I and II of GSA form 1217. In
particular, Part II of Exhibit I provides detailed breakdown of
`Building Maintenance and Reserves for Replacement' which
is shown on a single line in GSA 1217. Note that utility costs
are excluded from totals in Exhibit I, but will be included in
GSA 1217 if they are part of the lease payment.
5. The Lessor shall specify in detail, utilizing the Maintenance Cost Worksheet (attached as Exhibit I),
those items that are included in the O&M Plan for both annual operating and maintenance expenses,
and reserves for replacement. The totals of these estimated expenses shall be entered on the
appropriate lines on GSA Form 1217, Lessor's Annual Cost Statement.
Editing Note: Include Paragraphs 6 through 10 below if a
Funded Maintenance Account will be required.
6. // The O&M Plan must detail how the Funded Maintenance Account (FMA) will be established and how
it will be managed. Upon acceptance of the facility by the Government, the Lessor shall immediately
establish a FMA in trust for VA in an interest-bearing account provided by the Government and place
the equivalent of twenty-five percent (25%) of the Annual Reserve Grand Total (Line 71) from
Maintenance Cost Worksheet, Exhibit I, into the FMA. At the next quarterly installment and each year
thereafter during the lease term, including any renewal options, the amount of the annual reserve
grand total is to be paid into the FMA in quarterly increments. The funds are to be made available for
all Lessor provided maintenance services, repairs, and replacements.
7. At the beginning of the second year and all subsequent years of the lease term, including all renewal
options, the operating costs base will be adjusted based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Refer
also to Paragraph 3.6 of the Solicitation For Offers.
8. Shortfalls to cover any unforeseen maintenance, repair or replacement expenditure over and above
what is listed in a particular category will be the responsibility of the Lessor.
9. At the end of the VA's lease term, including all renewal options, the remaining balance in the FMA
account will be released to the Lessor; and the Government will make no claims against the remaining
10. Based upon all the information submitted with the offer, the Government shall require the successful
Lessor to execute the "Property Management Agreement," a copy of which is attached as Exhibit II.//
Exhibit I Maintenance Cost Worksheet.
Editing Note: Include Exhibit II if a Funded Maintenance
Account will be required.
//Exhibit II Sample of the Property Management Agreement.//
Part II Schedule A Page 3 of 9
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