JULY 2005
Contact GSA
needs of the Requesting Service and should be
of adequate size to encourage competition.
Having determined that Leasing is the
appropriate acquisition method, the CO contacts
Advertise Space Requirement
GSA to determine if existing GSA-controlled
With the delineated area defined, the CO has
space can readily meet VA's need within the
multiple methods of gathering information.
time frame required. Again, this Guide presumes
These include knowledgeable individuals, adver-
a negative response from GSA, thus leading to a
tising, and industry publications (databases and
VA Direct Lease Project.
electronic bulletin boards). Advertising in news-
Determination of Lease Type and Assembly
papers is mandatory for leases with an
of Authorization Package
anticipated base rent greater than 0,000
Therefore, advertising would be
This Design Guide follows standard leasing
required for OPCs anticipated in this Design
procedures. A Prospectus lease (>0,000
Guide. The CO will advertise in the newspapers
annual rent) requires Congressional budget
to make the market aware of the Government's
authorization. Prospectus Leases are submitted
space requirement. The text for the advertise-
for approval through the CIP process.
ment should include a brief overview of space
and parking requirements and a description of
Non-Prospectus Leases fall into two classes: 1.)
the delineated area within which the space must
Congressional Notification Leases (0,000, to
be located. A date for receipt of inquiries should
0,000 annual rent) and 2.) Standard Leases
be clearly stated as well as the name, address,
(0,000 to 0,000 annual rent).
In all
and phone number of the VA contact. [See
instances, the annual rent thresholds exclude
Advertisement For Space in Appendix A.]
cost of services and utilities.
With larger OPC's VA generally chooses to find
Prospectus Leases and Notification Leases are
land and then advertise for construction of the
usually procured by 183C. Standard leases are
new facility. In that case, skip to the Advertise-
procured locally.
ment for Land and Construction section below.
If the request is presented out of budget cycle,
Establish Market Survey Team
the CO would assemble the Notification Lease
Package for Secretary Approval and Congres-
The CO establishes the Market Survey Team.
sional Notification. This package includes much
Team members are usually selected from the
of what has been done to date: Funding Verifi-
Acquisition Team and include the CO, the
cation, Benefit Cost Analysis, and Certification of
Realty Specialist, the Requesting Service
the SRP.
Representative, Engineering Service Repre-
sentative, Fire Safety Officer, and other
Following receipt of necessary authorization to
Technical Advisors as needed. The purpose
procure the space, the CO refines the schedule
of the team is to establish site criteria and
for a Lease Acquisition.
determine whether any of the offered sites is
suitable or may be made suitable to satisfy the
VA's minimal requirements within a reasonable
time frame.
The General/ Regional Counsel should also be
Identify the Delineated Area
alerted to the lease acquisition project.
The second phase in the leasing process starts
with the CO's gathering current, accurate,
Conduct Survey of Spaces
detailed information about the availability and
The Market Survey Team meets with each
price of space in the market. This is done
potential Offeror to determine whether the
following an examination of the delineated area
offered sites meet the VA requirements or can
requested in the SRP. The delineated area
be made to meet them within a reasonable time
should be defined using precise language, with
frame. GSA Form 3627, Market Survey, may be
consideration of access to public transportation
used as the inspection checklist to ensure
and proximity to major thoroughfares and other
efficient, thorough, and uniform inspections of all
amenities. The delineated area should meet the