CP 6
(a) General: Before amendments needed to clarify or supplement documents on which
bids have been invited are issued, they shall be authorized by the Contracting Officer.
Amendments which correct obvious errors or discrepancies shall be issued as far in
advance of the bid opening dates as circumstances permit. No amendments shall be
issued so late as to be received by bidders less than five working days before the opening
of bids. Amendments which must be sent out within the final ten days prior to the
opening of bids shall be transmitted by telegram.
(b) Amendments Requiring Special Approval: Amendments which will have one or
more of the following results must be approved by the Contracting Officer in writing
before being issued:
(1) The likelihood of a significant increase in the dollar amounts of project bids.
(2) Deviations from VA standards.
(3) Recognized variances from accepted practices.
(4) Change in the bid opening location or date.
The A/E shall prepare and submit to the Contracting Officer for approval a justification
for amendments of this type in sufficient detail to fully explain the need for the changes
and to justify any additional cost, departure from criteria or common practice or change
of the bid opening location or date. Unless time is a critical consideration, the final draft
(c) General Instructions:
(1) The Contracting Officer may authorized the A/E to issue without prior
approval amendments correcting minor errors or omissions. Informal discussions
will be used whenever appropriate to expedite the issue of such amendments.
Copies of such amendments shall be sent to the Contracting Officer immediately
after issue by the A/E.