6. Food service Equipment drawings including floor plans, elevators,
equipment schedules, and details;
7. Plumbing drawings including floor and roof plans, riser diagrams,
equipment schedules, plumbing fixture schedules, and details,
8. HVAC drawings including floor and roof plans, one-line flow diagrams,
equipment schedules, and details, including general notes and all
related calculations.
Also provide sections for mechanical equipment
rooms and sequence of operation for all HVAC equipment;
9. Outside Steam Distribution drawings including system plans and
profiles, manhole piping plans and sections, equipment schedules, and
details; and
10. Electrical drawings including floor and roof plans (power, lighting,
and other systems), one-line diagrams, panel schedules, equipment
schedules, light fixture schedules and details.
C. Construction Specifications:
specifications for all products, materials, equipment, methods, and
systems shown on the construction drawings and to be incorporated in the
1. The DB Team shall prepare and submit 100 per cent complete
construction specifications in accordance with standard professional
practice and the VA RFP;
2. The construction specifications shall be at a comparable level of
detail and demonstrate compliance with the VA RFP.
The specification
submitted for review shall be a "redline and strikeout" version of
the VA RFP Specifications that clearly indicate the locations of
deletions, revisions, and additions to the VA RFP Specifications; and
3. The construction specifications shall include the name of the
manufacturer, the product name, model number, or other identification
as appropriate to clearly identify the product that will be used in
the construction of the project.
Construction Period Submittals
A. The DB Contractor shall prepare and submit shop drawings, product data,
and samples during construction as required by the VA RFP documents.
The shop drawings, product data, and samples shall bear the stamp of the
licensed architect or engineer of record certifying compliance with the
RFP (See B.1.1.A);
B. Other Submittals:
The DB team shall submit test results, certificates,
manufacturer's instructions, manufacturers field reports, etc. as
required by the VA RFP specifications; and