a. Where project scope involves known or suspected asbestos material, submit an
asbestos assessment report (see VA guidelines for asbestos abatement) that was
prepared by a professional industrial hygienist (P.I.H.). Include the following:
1) Summary results of review of building records;
2) Summary results of interview of station personnel;
3) Determination of whether any materials used in the building construction are
known to contain asbestos. Some trade name materials are known to contain
asbestos and should be identified;
4) Results of visual inspection of the building to determine location and
condition of asbestos materials; and
5) Presentation of sampling strategy that will yield statistically viable conclusion
on the extent of asbestos present.
b. Provide name and location of qualified laboratory for sample analysis which
P.I.H. intends to utilize.
Provide transport narrative with recommendations for improving the existing
automatic transport systems (ATS) and a traffic study that include existing and
proposed ATS with alternate methods of distribution, if feasible.
If required, submit the following including VA comments from previous phasing
meetings and Schematics 1 review:
a. Phasing Narrative;
b. Phasing Plans (on reduced site plans);
c. Phasing Diagram;
d. Phases marked on all full size drawings submitted for VA review; and
e. Written list of systems, including temporary system by phase, and separated by
technical discipline.
Program Guide, PG-18-15, Volume B
Schematics 2
May 2006
Page 15