2) Description and evaluation of the existing steam distribution facilities which
may be involved in the project. Include an estimate of existing loads, an
analysis of capabilities for additional loads and an estimate of remaining service
life for all steam and condensate systems. Recommend tests, as appropriate, to
assess remaining service life;
3) Alternative types of underground steam distribution systems which will be
evaluated. Alternatives may include factory-fabricated pre-engineered systems,
shallow trench systems, and tunnels. Provide rationale for selection or rejection
of steam distribution system;
4) Rationale for proposed location for new steam distribution systems; and
5) Provide information on steam pressures, types of condensate return
systems (pumped, gravity, vacuum, etc.), and line sizes.
b. On drawings, show locations of existing steam distribution systems which may
be affected by the project, alternate new locations, and recommended new location.
a. Provide a report with the following information as a minimum:
1) Estimation of peak steam demands for the new facilities and any change in
existing steam demands;
2) Viable alternatives for generating steam. Alternatives normally include: new
steam plant, utilization of existing steam generation facilities if there is sufficient
additional capacity, modification of existing steam generating facilities, or
purchase of steam. Provide rationale for the selection or rejection of the
3) If a steam plant exists, provide an accurate determination of existing
maximum and minimum summer and winter steam demands and total annual
production. Provide a verification of the accuracy. Include a graph showing the
relationship between outside temperature and winter steam demands;
4) Evaluation of the capability of existing steam generating facilities to accept
the increased loads. If a significant load increase is expected, provide a
complete description of the existing steam generating facilities. Include makes,
models, sizes, ages, performance capabilities, and remaining service life of all
equipment and systems. Recommend tests, as appropriate, to determine
remaining service life and capacity of major equipment and piping;
5) If a new steam generating facility is an alternative, identify the types of fuels
which are to be evaluated. Typical fuel choices include natural gas, No. 2 fuel
oil, No. 6 fuel oil, and coal. Provide rationale for selection or rejection of any of
the listed fuels; and
Program Guide, PG-18-15, Volume B
Schematics 1
Page 12
May 2006