b. Investigate the condition and availability of the spare capacity of the existing
systems such as chilled water, hot water, and steam (if any) and provide specific
recommendations for meeting the needs of the project.
c. Investigate the availability of utilities, such as natural or propane gas, electricity,
etc. for the HVAC equipment and provide description of their status.
d. Provide description of the tentative zoning of the spaces for proposing dedicated
HVAC systems. State clearly the engineering criteria and rationale used for
selecting three different types of HVAC systems for the life cycle cost analysis for
each functional space. State clearly all assumptions and parameters to be used in
the analysis. If the analysis is scheduled to be performed on a computer, provide
the name of the program.
e. Provide a list of the energy conservation measures proposed to be used in the
HVAC system design and the life cycle cost analysis. State clearly the logic and
criteria used in selecting each conservation measure.
a. Provide a report with the following information as a minimum:
1) Estimate of the types and quantities of waste which will be generated by the
new facility.
2) Viable alternatives for waste disposal. Alternatives normally include:
incineration of all waste, incineration of portions of the waste (such as
pathological) and off-site disposal of the remainder, off-site disposal of all waste
or alternative technologies for waste sanitation, processing, and disposal. Give
rationale for the selection or rejection of alternatives.
3) Accurate determination of existing types and quantities of waste. Provide
verification of the accuracy.
4) Evaluation of the capability of the existing incinerator facilities to accept the
additional quantities and types of waste material. If a significant load increase is
expected, or the types of waste will vary from the existing, provide a complete
description of the existing incinerator system equipment. This includes make,
model, size, age, performance capability, and remaining service life for all
equipment. Recommend tests as appropriate to determine remaining service
life and capacity of the system.
5) List of incineration system equipment alternatives which will be evaluated.
Typical alternatives include types of waste feeding systems, provision for
automatic ash removal, batch or automatic feed type incinerator.
b. On a plot plan, show alternatives for locating an incinerator system or show the
location of the existing incinerator, if applicable.
Program Guide, PG-18-15, Volume B
Schematics 1
May 2006
Page 9