3. Where applicable, consideration must be given for seismic requirements. Attention
shall also be given to possible local critical soil conditions. Vertical expansion, when
indicated in the Design Program, must be analyzed to demonstrate structural feasibility.
4. Complete conceptual alternatives must be displayed on the Schematic drawings.
The work may include the division of an alternative into distinct parts, each of which has
an identified priority. The Schematic design must, therefore, be developed so that
further development shall provide a well designed facility with respect to functional
layout, construction phasing, minimized disruption of existing facility operation, and
coordination with structures and utilities.
If approved developmental plan is not furnished by VA, provide a minimum of three
alternate development plans. VA will review the alternate development plans and select
one to be further developed for Schematics 2.
a. If it is determined if VA Hospital Building System (VAHBS) will be used (see
H-18-3, CD-1), clearly indicate each module with its service bay, including electrical
switchgear room, and electrical closets. The Memorandum of Agreement will
provide guidance on the use of the VAHBS.
b. Provide schematic block plans (floor plans) at a scale that will permit an entire
floor plan to be shown on one drawing. A neat freehand presentation drawn to scale
is acceptable.
c. Show every floor of the building, including the penthouse, a typical interstitial
plan, and pipe basement, if included.
d. Show the overall exterior dimensions for determining the total building gross
e. Indicate size and shape of all departmental functions and services in the space
program. Label each service or activity listed in the Project Scope Data of the
Design Program and indicate boundaries with a distinctive line. Include the activity
code number (see Handbook 7610). Show departmental area versus departmental
net program area as a fraction (DA/DNPA) for each functional block.
f. Show primary horizontal and vertical circulation (including material transport),
entrances to buildings, main entry point to each functional block, and major
mechanical spaces on the drawings. Indicate structural grid, proposed location of
expansion joints, and special seismic structural features. Clearly distinguish new
construction, renovation, and existing construction to remain unchanged.
Provide a schematic section to define building configuration.
Program Guide, PG-18-15, Volume B
Schematics 1
Page 6
May 2006