Provide VA Standard Details and other necessary details.
Provide general notes, symbols and abbreviations
k. Provide room names and numbers on HVAC plans at every review.
l. Show demolition of existing HVAC work, if applicable. Minor demolition
may be shown on new construction drawings. Extensive demolition requires
drawings for demolition only.
Where asbestos abatement is required, submit substantially complete
asbestos abatement drawings in accordance with VA guidelines for asbestos
a. Provide drawing list of symbols and abbreviations.
b. Submit the electrical site plan showing all exterior electrical and telephone
equipment. Detail all connections between new and existing electrical circuits
including any interface with utility companies. Show all removal and relocations of
existing electrical devices.
c. Submit floor plans for all building areas showing room titles and functions.
For this submission, the majority of the lighting fixtures, receptacles, signal outlets,
and special system devices shall be shown. Lighting fixture types must be
described or detailed. Wiring and homeruns are usually not shown at this
submission. All electrical closets, telephone closets, transformer vaults, electrical
equipment rooms and transformers shall be located on floor plans and electrical site
d. Submit a one-line diagram of the electrical power distribution system
including the high voltage system and the emergency power system, if applicable.
Identify all equipment with proposed sizes. Include substantiating load calculations.
e. Submit lighting calculations.
a. The A/E shall submit a construction cost estimate in compliance with the for
Preparation of Estimates. The estimate should incorporate all of the review
comments from the previous review. This estimate should include but not be limited
Program Guide, PG-18-15, Volume D
June 1999
Page 32