VA HANDBOOK 7610 (240)
August 20, 1986
3. Level L .........................................................................................................................................13.9 NSM (150 NSF)
4. Level VL ......................................................................................................................................18.6 NSM (200 NSF)
(3) Anatomic Pathology
These functions include the histology and cytology laboratories, the frozen and
gross section lab, the electron microscopy and autopsy suites, and slide, block and
records storage. Anatomic pathology should be located as an integrated and
interrelated set of laboratories and offices in close proximity to the surgical suites of
the medical center. Anatomic pathology, immunopathology and their associated
offices, storage facilities and records should all be closely related to each other in
order to provide the greatest efficiency.
(a) Histology: In this laboratory tissue, specimens are processed through automated
tissue processors, embedded in blocks of paraffin or paraffin -like substances, cut
into sections, mounted on microscope slides, and stained for examination by
The laboratory should be an open laboratory with adjoining adequate secretarial
facilities and storage area for pathology records and slides.
The laboratory must be adequately ventilated to avoid exposure to toxic fumes
and must be equipped with adequate hoods for working with toxic and volatile
solvents. It should also be provided with adequate safety cabinets for storage of
volatile chemicals. Special emphasis should be placed on controlling humidity in
the histology area. Air conditioning should be adequate but air movement needs
to be distributed evenly and at a fairly low velocity.
The space provided for Levels M, L, and VL laboratories includes an 7.4 NSM (80
NSF) administrative work area for a supervis ory medical technologist.
1. Level S .........................................................................................................................................13.9 NSM (150 NSF)
2. Level M .......................................................................................................................................37.2 NSM (400 NSF)
3. Level L .........................................................................................................................................55.7 NSM (600 NSF)
4. Level VL ......................................................................................................................................74.3 NSM (800 NSF)
(b) Frozen and Gross Section Laboratory: This laboratory is necessary to provide space
for pathologists to examine tissues from the operating room for rapid (frozen section)
diagnostic assistance for surgeons. The area is used daily to examine all of the
surgical specimens received from the medical