August 20, 1986
VA HANDBOOK 7610 (240)
a. Levels M and S ........................................................................................................................Not Required
b. Levels VL and L .......................................................................................................................13.9 NSM (150 NSF)
NOTE: Refer to paragraph 3a(1), program data. Provided only if TB culture
and susceptibility testing is performed in the laboratory.
5. Media Preparation Room: This function should be provided only if the cost
effectiveness of making media is greater than that provided by purchase of
commercial media. It should be provided only for highly specialized reference
laboratories who may be able to cost-effectively purchase special media for TB,
viral and other organisms with special growth characteristics.
a. Levels L, M, and S ...................................................................................................................Not Required
The sterilization and solution preparation room can be used for media
preparation in these laboratories.
b. Level VL ....................................................................................................................................18.6 NSM (200 NSF)
(h) Immunopathology: This laboratory comprises all of the services and procedure s
required to produce diagnostic results based on immunologic (antigen-antibody)
reactions using tissues, cells, and fluids. Space has been functionally redesigned
in this edition of VA HANDBOOK 7610 to provide a composite laboratory which
reduces space needs for immunologic tests in other standard laboratory areas
(chemistry, hematology, histopathology, serology) so that all of the immunologic
tests now performed in these areas can be provided more efficiently in a single
laboratory. Specially and highly trained personnel and equipment needed to
perform immunologic tests must be located in this area, which reduces duplication
of personnel and equipment.
In those medical centers with electron microscopy (EM) programs, the
immunopathology laboratory should be located as close to the EM suite as
possible, since much of the preparative work for electron microscopy includes
immunologic methods. In all laboratories, the histopathology laboratory should
also be located near this area to facilitate the transfer and processing of fresh
tissues which require immunologic diagnostic techniques.
The space provided for Levels L and VL laboratories includes an 7.4 NSM (80
NSF) administrative work area for a supervisory medical tech nologist.
1. Level S .........................................................................................................................................Not Required
2. Level M .......................................................................................................................................37.2 NSM (400 NSF)
3. Level L .........................................................................................................................................55.7 NSM (600 NSF)
4. Level VL ......................................................................................................................................74.3 NSM (800 NSF)
(i) Fluorescent Microscopy Room: The interpretation of immunologic diagnostic tests
requires a special area, darkened, with adequate ventilation and airflow. As the
specialty of immunopathology grows, this area may require expansion to allow
more seating area for technical staff at microscopes. The room should be large
enough to allow small groups of students and resident physicians to utilize the
microscopes, if these programs exist at the medical center, or are planned.
1. Level S .........................................................................................................................................Not Required
2. Level M ....................................................................................................................................... 9.3 NSM (100 NSF)