August 20, 1986
VA HANDBOOK 7610 (240)
If adequate bulk storage is available, it assists in cost reduction, since it gives the
laboratory the ability to obtain larger discounts on supplies by purchasing and
storing larger amounts.
An additional need for storage of records will be created by computers. Daily patient
care test result printouts are medicolegal records and must be saved. They are also
much larger in size than the standard report forms and will require more space.
The allocation of storage space may be divided into several storage areas, if desired
by the medical center laboratory chief.
1. Level S ......................................................................................................................................... 74.3 NSM ( 800 NSF)
2. Level M ....................................................................................................................................... 93.0 NSM (1000 NSF)
3. Level L .........................................................................................................................................111.6 NSM (1200 NSF)
4. Level VL ......................................................................................................................................130.2 NSM (1400 NSF)
(b) Refrigerated Storage (Prefabricated Controlled Temperature Room):
This area is required to provide controlled temperature storage space to allow the
laboratory to buy larger quantities of temperature sensitive, dated biological
reagents so that greater discounts can be obtained from manufacturers.
In very large, active laboratories, more than one room may be required.
1. Level S ......................................................................................................................................... 9.3 NSM (100 NSF)
2. Level M .......................................................................................................................................11.2 NSM (120 NSF)
3. Level L .........................................................................................................................................13.9 NSM (150 NSF)
4. Level VL ......................................................................................................................................18.6 NSM (200 NSF)
May be divided into two 9.3 NSM (100 NSF) cold rooms if desired.
(c) Flammable and Toxic Substance Storage: This area is needed to comply with OSHA,
JACH, and CAP safety regulations for bulk storage of acetone, formalin, xylene,
acids, gas cylinders and any toxic substances which are used in the laboratory.
The room should comply with all fire safety regulations in its location. It should be
located away from patient care and employee work areas, and should be located on an
outside wall, constructed with a blow-out panel. A curb at least 150 mm (6") in height
should be constructed around the base of the room, including the doorsill.
1. Levels M and S .......................................................................................................................... 9.3 NSM (100 NSF)
2. Levels VL and L .........................................................................................................................13.9 NSM (150 NSF)
(5) Housekeeping Aids Closet (HAC) ........................................................................................... 3.7 NSM ( 40 NSF)