August 20, 1986
VA HANDBOOK 7610 (240)
circumstances. This laboratory is kept open 24 hours a day, and may provide all
of the necessary test results for the medical center on nights, weekends and
1. Level S .........................................................................................................................................Not Required
2. Level M .......................................................................................................................................18.6 NSM (200 NSF)
3. Level L .........................................................................................................................................37.2 NSM (400 NSF)
4. Level VL ......................................................................................................................................46.5 NSM (500 NSF)
(c) Automated Data Processing:
1. APD Control Area: This is an area for CRTs, printers and immediate ADP data
storage for retrieval of results, quality control data and patient demographic
information. It is also critical to generating worklists away from the highly
contaminated specimen processing area.
a. Levels M and S .........................................................................................................................Not Required
b. Levels VL and L ........................................................................................................................11.2 NSM (120 NSF)
2. Processor Area ......................................................................................................................... 4.7 NSM ( 50 NSF)
This space, provided for all LCAP levels, accommodates the hardware used to
processing unit.
3. CRT's and Printers : Space for this hardware should be assigned to immediate
response, specimen accessioning, chemistry, hematology, microbiology and
immunopathology. Exact distribution of the space will be determined on an
individual project basis.
a. CRT's (1 per 4 technicians/technologists) ............................................................................ 2.8 NSM ( 30 NSF)
b. Printers (1 per 10 technician/technologists) ........................................................................ 3.7 NSM ( 40 NSF)
(2) Clinical Pathology
(a) Clinical Chemistry: In this area technical personnel use automated,
semiautomated and manual instrumentation to perform basic chemical analyses
common to all LCAP levels of laboratories. These chemical analyses include all
but a few (e.g., T4/by RIA) of t he tests listed in the Laboratory Service AMIS
workload short list for chemistry.
The space provided for Levels M, L, and VL laboratories includes an
7.4 NSM (80 NSF) administrative work area for a supervisory medical technologist.
The space provided for Levels L and VL laboratories includes a 9.3 NSM (100
NSF) office for clinical laboratory scientists.
1. Level S ......................................................................................................................................... 46.5 NSM ( 500 NSF)
2. Level M ....................................................................................................................................... 83.6 NSM ( 900 NSF)
3. Level L .........................................................................................................................................176.6 NSM (1900 NSF)
4. Level VL ......................................................................................................................................223.2 NSM (2400 NSF)
(b) Special Chemistry: In this area technical personnel employ special and unique
diagnostic procedures such as chromatography (thin layer, gas, and/or liquid),
atomic absorption spectrophotometry, EMIT and/or manual spectrophotometry,