August 20, 1986
VA HANDBOOK 7610 (240)
2. Coagulation Laboratory:
a. Level L, M, and S .....................................................................................................................Not Required
b. Level VL ....................................................................................................................................13.9 NSM (150 NSF)
(f) Blood Bank: A blood bank is required for any laboratory which serves a medical
center that provides care for medicine and surgery inpatients, medical centers with
operating rooms, intensive care units and/or emergency rooms. The provision of
blood to meet transfusion needs encompasses the following: recruitment of blood
donors, collection of blood or components, processing of blood and components,
storage of blood, compatibility testing of blood, transfusion of blood, and
hemapheresis procedures. A blood bank providing all of the above services is
known as a full service blood bank, and requires three functional areas and
space: blood product storage testing and issuance, blood product preparation/
modification and donor--hemotherapeutics program.
1. Blood Product Storage, Testing and Issuance (Transfusion Service): The term
transfusion service, usually refers to a facility located in a hospital, organized
principally to store, crossmatch and issue blood for transfusion to patients. An
important distinction between a transfusion service and a blood bank is that a
transfusion service draws little or no blood. The transfusion service may be the
only blood bank function required in the laboratory, if a contractual or sharing
agreement exists to provide blood product collection, preparation and/or
The space provided for Levels L and VL laboratories includes an 7.4 NSM (80
NSF) administrative work area for a supervisory medical technologists.
a. Level S........................................................................................................................................13.9 NSM (150 NSF)
b. Level M......................................................................................................................................23.2 NSM (250 NSF)
c. Level L........................................................................................................................................46.5 NSM (500 NSF)
d. Level VL.....................................................................................................................................65.0 NSM (700 NSF)
2. Blood Product Preparation/Modification: This functional area includes the
following services, which are required if there is no contract or sharing agreement
to provid e blood product preparation for the medical center: red cell packing, red
cell washing, freezing/rejuvenating, thawing and deglycerolizing, freezing of
frozen fresh plasma, thawing of fresh frozen plasma, preparation of
cryoprecipitate, thawing of cryoprecipitate, pooling of cryoprecipitate, platelet
and granulocyte concentrates from single units, and pooling platelets.
a. Levels M and S .........................................................................................................................Not Required
b. Level L .......................................................................................................................................23.3 NSM (250 NSF)
c. Level VL.....................................................................................................................................27.9 NSM (300 NSF)
3. Donor-Hemotherapeutics Room: The following three primary functions are
performed in this room: the routine collection of whole blood from donors; the
collection of special blood components (white blood cells, platelets etc.) from
donors; and the therapeutic removal of plasma (plasmapheresis) or blood cells