VA HANDBOOK 7610 (240)
August 20, 1986
fluorometry etc., to perform therapeutic drug monitoring, toxicology,
endocrinology, heavy metal, nutrition and metabolism studies.
1. Level S .........................................................................................................................................Not Required
2. Level M .......................................................................................................................................46.5 NSM ( 500 NSF)
3. Level L .........................................................................................................................................74.3 NSM ( 800 NSF)
4. Level VL ......................................................................................................................................93.0 NSM (1000 NSF)
5. Add 13.9 NSM (150 NSF) to special chemistry for Level
L or VL laboratories with a mass spectrometer.
(c) Radioimmunoassay (RIA): In vitro studies utilizing radioisotopes are performed in
this area.
This laboratory should be carefully planned with adequate radioactive waste
disposal facilities with safety hoods to meet standards for inspecting agencies. If
hepatitis testing is performed in the laboratory, employee safety must be
considered in the design and location of the laboratory.
NOTE: Refer to paragraph 3a(1), program data. Space for this function will be
provided only if there is no Nuclear Medicine Service or
radioimmunoassay studies are being performed in Laboratory Service
at the time of planning for new construction or renovation.
1. Levels M and S ..........................................................................................................................Not Required
2. Level L .........................................................................................................................................23.2 NSM (250 NSF)
3. Level VL ......................................................................................................................................32.5 NSM (350 NSF)
(d) Urine (Urinalysis) and Feces: The primary function performed in this area is the
biochemical analysis and microscopic examination of urine. Testing feces for
normal and abnormal constituents is also performed.
1. Level S ......................................................................................................................................... 4.7 NSM ( 50 NSF)
2. Level M ....................................................................................................................................... 9.3 NSM (100 NSF)
3. Levels VL and L .........................................................................................................................18.6 NSM (200 NSF)
(e) Hematology: The primary functions of this area are the performance of cell counts,
stains and the microscopic examination of blood and other body fluids (spinal
fluid etc.); in L, M and S laboratories, tests that measure the clotting properties of
blood are also performed.
1. Routine Laboratory: The space provided for Levels M, L and VL laboratories
includes an 7.4 NSM (80 NSF) administrative work area for a supervisory medical
Levels L and VL include space for electrophoresis and diagnostic cellular
immunopathology studies (flow cytometry).
a. Level S ....................................................................................................................................... 18.6 NSM ( 200 NSF)
b. Level M ..................................................................................................................................... 55.7 NSM ( 600 NSF)
c. Level L ........................................................................................................................................102.3 NSM (1100 NSF)
d. Level VL ....................................................................................................................................148.7 NSM (1600 NSF)
e. Add 13.9 NSM (150 NSF) to Levels VL or L laboratory that performs cytogenetics
studies. Refer to paragraph 3a(1), program data.