CP 3
(a) Invoice: The A/E shall prepare each invoice for payment for services
rendered under the contract on his letterhead in the format shown on the
attached sample and submit an original and three (3) copies of each invoice to
the Contracting Officer. Invoices shall indicate the section of the contract
under which payment is claimed, the pertinent service performed, the
percentage of the service completed applied to the total contract amount for the
service and the amount due. The invoice for payment for "Site Visits" shall be
submitted as a package with the record of site visits made during the pertinent
period certified by the Resident Engineer.
(b) Reimbursable Items: Receipted statements in an original and two copies
will be submitted by the A/E with each invoice for a reimbursable item that
pertains to a service, material or product delivered to the A/E for the benefit of
the VA within the terms of this contract. Where such items are reimbursable
within the terms of the A/E's contract receipted statements are required as
substantiation of the A/E's request (invoice) for payment of the reimbursable
item. Refer to the contract for items to be submitted with, or prior to,
submission of invoice.