Need a Sign Program
Does your facility need Following are some tell tale indicators that a building needs to have the rooms
renumbered and implement a new interior room identification sign program.
to do room renumber-
Is your sign program older than 15 years?
Has there been major remodeling with in the building?
Do you have duplicate room numbers within the building?
Has there been additions added to the building and were the new building room
numbers coordinated with the existing building room numbers?
Have you had to add an lot of letters after a single room number to
accommodate new rooms?
Has the use of the rooms in building changed?
Has there been a major relocation of services within the building?
If a patient or visitor is given a room number to go to, can they find it without
asking someone for directions?
In a complete facility replacement sign project, it is important that improved pa-
tient wayfinding is not hindered by keeping an outdated and broken room renum-
bering systems due to the desire to maintain current facility management systems
like VISTA. There are now various ways to address new room numbering in facility
management systems that maintain the database with current room renumbering.
Refer to the Room Renumbering section of this Guide for additional information.
Implementing a new sign program is project has a positive impact on every
What does a new sign
individual that uses your facility, patients, visitors and employees.
program bring to a
These are just a few of the things achieved.
Improved patient satisfaction.
Improved image of the VA to the patients and visitors.
Improved employee moral.
Improved professional image in the medical community.
Reduced staff time in providing directions to patients and visitors.
Modernized appearance to older buildings.
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