Need a Sign Program
Does you exterior sign program refer to buildings that are closed?
How do you know if
your facility needs a
Are your exterior signs faded and streaked?
new exterior sign
Do you have plywood or temporary signs serving as directional or identification
Are your exterior signs covered or hidden by landscaping or trees?
Do the exterior signs refer to departments, entrances or services that are no
longer available or current?
If your sign program is 3 to 5 years old
has also probably changed. And, sign
How does age affect
and you have maintained and created
programs that are 10 years old have
your exterior sign
or updated the necessary directional
also probably had several people
signs every time a department or
working to maintain them over the span
service is moved, your sign program
of years.
can be considered reasonably current
and will function for many years to
At 15 years a sign program has now
past the threshold of still being usable.
Rust, corrosion, peeling and severely
If your sign program is 5 to 10 years
faded paint mean your signs have now
old, more than likely the directional
reached point where they should be
wayfinding program has mistakes,
replaced like any other worn out or
missing information and misleading
obsolete piece of equipment
directional information. During the 5 to
10 year period the paint finish on the
Exterior sign programs that are over
signs is starting to show the affect of
20 years old are past the point of
weather aging.
usefulness. The physical condition of
the signs is usually so bad they are
Also, over a 10-year period there has
actually "junk". Other aspects with a
probably been a few remolding or new
sign program at this age is that the
construction projects that may have
information conveyed is probably so out
created orphaned signs or signs that
of date that it actually provides little if
are incorrectly labeling buildings or
any help to patients and visitors.
services. Parking location and usage
Following are some tell tale indicators that your facility needs a new interior sign
How do you know if
program. Generally, the more of these that apply to your buildings, the more
your facility needs
pressing the need for a replacement sign program.
a new interior sign
Is your sign program older than 15 years?
Does staff constantly get asked for directions from confused or lost patients
and visitors?
Is your information counter over whelmed with requests for directions?
Have your code and life safety signs been upgraded in the last 5 years?
Do you have home made or paper signs identifying rooms or functioning as
directional signs?
Are your directional signs and graphics still directing people to departments
that no longer exist or have moved?
Are your interior signs in different colors at the same door or different types?
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