Need a Sign Program
At the same door, are your interior signs different types, colors or material?
How do you know if
your facility needs
Are your room number signs mounted on the door or on the door frame above
a new interior sign
the door?
Are your signs mounted in the correct location?
Are your interior signs tapped to the wall?
Has remodeling or new construction changed the circulation routes in the
Do you have color stripes in the floor or on the wall that no longer lead to
designated departments?
Has the use of the rooms in building changed?
Is your room numbering system confusing and are numbers being used out
of sequence?
Has there been a major relocation of services within the medical center?
Do you receive repeated requests for wayfinding signs?
At department entrances do you have 3 or 4 signs describing the occupant?
If your sign program is 5 years old
such that each individual has added
How does age affect
and you have maintained and created
or deleted items that may or may not
your interior sign
the necessary directional signs every
have been considered by the previous
time a department is moved, your sign
individual maintaining the sign program.
program can be considered reasonably
The results being a sign program that
current and will function for many years
can be confusing.
to come.
At 15 years a sign program has now
If your sign program is 10 years
past the threshold of still being usable.
old, more than likely the directional
wayfinding program has mistakes,
So many factors have multiplied
missing information and misleading
themselves that the original sign
directional information. Also, over
program is very likely so disconnected
a 10-year period there has probably
from what was originally implemented
been a few remolding projects that may
that there is no common thread
have created orphaned signs or signs
of communication, look, finishes,
that are incorrectly labeling rooms or
placement or information.
Sign programs that are over 20 years
Sign programs that are 10 years old
old are totally broken, dysfunctional
have also probably had several people
and should be replaced like any other
working to maintain them over the
obsolete piece of equipment.
span of years. The resulting effects are
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