Need a Sign Program
Every site needs a sign program.
Every building needs a sign program.
Need a New Sign
Today's building codes require certain
That common understanding starts with
exterior signs for building occupancy
the fact that today's building codes
like the identification of handicapped
require certain life safety signs for
entrances and parking. Also, VA
building occupancy. Added to that are
directives require certain signs be
basic signs that are needed for basic
posted at the entry to the site.
operational purposes, such as restroom
Next, comes the need for identifying
buildings and entrances. This allows for
Next, comes the need for labeling
people to find occupants and services
rooms. This allows for people to find
rooms, its occupants and services, have and have things delivered. When a
site has more than one building, then
things delivered and get repairs made.
directional signs becomes necessary.
When a building has more the one
straight corridor the need for directional Add even more buildings, parking lots
and roads and directional information
signs now becomes apparent. Add
to drivers and pedestrians becomes
another floor(s) and now you need
critically important for people to find the
additional types of life safety signs and
floor level designations.
It is clearly evident that every site needs
So clearly every building needs signs.
exterior signs. New sites can start with
New buildings are easy because they
a fresh new sign program, but this is not
can start with a fresh new sign program
typically common.
tailored to the initial occupancy of the
building and to the requirements of the
Most sites have been in use and have
first users.
added and removed buildings over the
years, relocated building entrances
Older buildings, on the other hand,
and moved services from one building
have existing signs, however, unless
to another. Unless the exterior sign
the sign program has been regularly
program has been regularly updated,
updated with every building remodel,
that sign program may be in need of
modification and occupant usage,
that sign program may be in need of
replacement or at minimum updating for
code compliance.
Following are some tell tale indicators that your site and facility need a new
How do you know if
exterior sign program. Generally, the more of these that apply, the more pressing
your facility needs a
the need.
new exterior sign
Is your exterior sign program older than 10 years?
Do your exterior signs have rust showing through the paint?
Is the name on your main site identification sign correct?
Does your exterior sign program contain signs that are leaning or falling over?
Have you made changes to your parking lots? (use and location)
Have you closed or changed the use of buildings on campus?
Is the paint or lettering pealing off your signs?
Have your signs been vandalized and not repaired, or repaired poorly?
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