It makes a great difference to know in
We would give this to staff and the
the next county, a million
Task Force. If interested, please
building, or a $ 10 million
fax to either task force co-chair:
interchange, is in design or
construction in metric.
Otto Schick
Fax (215) 656-5836
Most people know metric is here, but it
Tel (215) 656-5822
galvanizes reality when projects, and
exact locations, are known.
Joe Sacco
Fax (703) 693-6934
As metric coordinator, after starting
Tel (703) 614-4879
the M60 program, the important task is
letting those in and outside the region
3. Professional Rounding Over 90 %
know the metric projects.
of products in construction today
will not physically change during
This can involve as little as a one
metric transition. We simply show
page list, or a message on e-mail, as
dimensions in metric, ie, soft
to what projects are being done.
The National Institute of Building
These two terms help explain how to
Sciences (NIBS), Construction
use 90 % soft metric products and
Metrication Council, manages conversion
still use round dimensions on
of US construction, involving agencies,
projects. Examples from varied areas
producers, builders, and professional
groups. The Task Force on Metric
Projects is ideal to communicate your
Product Dimension: size of an item
not easily modified
Design Dimensions (dds): dimension
around you to go metric by relaying
that can be varied, often through
your activity. New projects by nearby
fabrication or installation
groups then enhance your ability to
obtain metric products and may lower
Airports Concrete and soil have no
costs or minimum orders.
dimension. Structures of them are
often governed by dds. Width of
We recommend a 1-2 page Metric Project
runways and taxiways and dimensions
List, giving:
metric. Imaginary surfaces may also
All metric projects being done in
be dds, if the airport is frontal
your organization or region,
layout, finger system, split finger,
construction value of each, and the
or other variety. Product dimensions
status (planning, survey, design,
for lighted runway and taxiway
lights, beacons, wind indicators,
guidance signs and gangplanks, can
This is the most powerful information
often be soft converted.
you can have at your disposal as a
metric coordinator.
Bridges Rolled steel wide flanges
to construct simple steel bridges