it. owever, with 200 now, and another
In summary, we feel an organization
4000 documented through M60 over a few
can go metric almost surgically,
years, views may change considerably.
highly successfully, by deciding to
be metric, and meeting M60 in this
To gain this same amount of buying
fiscal year.
power, an organization may have to
select perhaps 50 or 100 projects of
Related groups move after M60 action
smaller construction value, by far the
occurs. Design and construction
more difficult route to becoming a
firms trained workers. Builders and
metric organization.
unions sought assistance. Suppliers
made changes, and developed product
On The Job Training M60 can make the
organization metric as it brings the
best metric training to the
In short, once an organization
organization at about no cost. While
decides to be metric, all other
only ten or fifteen staff run metric
activities fall into place.
projects, we found many other people
and divisions involved at stages (ex,
Deciding to be a metric
reviewing designs or estimates, or in
organization, ie M60, is by far the
technical meetings). This framework
most important activity in metric
introduces others to metric. Drawings,
specs, estimates, appear in near
finished format, developed by familiar
This applies not only to government,
but also to private and educational
A pool of metric experts is formed, the
knowledge base grows quickly, and
Ex, Moving a college building
guides the organization.
program to M60 status would have
more impact than courses in metric
Automatic Infrastructure When an group
architecture alone. M60 creates a
as ours simply decided to be metric, to
laboratory on campus, actual uses of
meet M60, automatic needs were created
SI. Many educators say if industry
for specs, criteria, codes, training
used SI, english would vanish from
devices, and other parts of metric
established. (ex, What specs to
Rulers and posters create awareness,
convert? This answered by seeing the
but M60 will move construction
120 or 150 needed by the M60 program) A
decisively to the SI system.
program becomes prepared for 100 %
metric design. Items not needed by an
2. Strong Communication During
M60 program may never have to be
much training, a major lesson
learned, predictably, is that people
feel much more confident to work in
Partial Conversion Some will not wish
metric, when they know other
to be a part of conversion. M60 allows
projects nearby are being done in
projects to be developed in old units,
for an interim period, if truly