gap from metric to english as needed.
At pre-bid meetings, identify the
hard metric products. Explain most
Codes Grade A metric codes would make
products are the same as previously
metric design simpler and more
Advance notice means alerting local
Ex, a code might state 44" (1118 mm)
groups, unions and societies of
minimum width. While it is very helpful
forthcoming metric projects.
to have metric included, rounded design
might lead to 1200 or 1150 being used.
In summary, from our experience with
metric, we feel we could design and
The greatest improvement would be new
build about any project in this
dimensions in 100 and 50 mm sizes.
country, completely in the metric
Could 1100 be the new size? This is of
system, using this compromise
course a professional judgement.
However, since rounded metric sizes are
From discussions with builders
not in codes yet, many still use
nationwide and talks with managers
english sizes during daily speech.
on metric projects, we could provide
Grade A codes would greatly assist
10 firms to bid any metric project
metric transition.
over $ 500,000, almost anywhere in
the United States.
Fortunately, many code sizes are
lengths, which when converted usually
January 1994 is feasible for all
get smaller, and offer many little cost
construction in our country to be
savings. Ex, from above, if 1100 is
designed in metric, utilizing
possible, small savings would appear
techniques established in this
over many situations.
5. Partnering with the Construction
The design and construction projects
Community Construction firms have
now being done in metric indicate to
little time to prepare bids for a
us this is possible.
project. This pressure increases on a
metric project.
Prepare your community with:
Metric Slang From PCs, CAD and fax,
from Seatac to the Keys, the Alcan,
the Lone Star, the Bay Area, and the
Clarity on Hard Metric
Beltway, slang is part of our
Advance Notice
vibrant culture.
Americans are efficient and we like
obtained from months of metric design.
things fast. Our people will brand
This document may be a good first step.
the SI system with our personality
List other suppliers you have found.
and make it our own.
While perhaps controversial, we do
not discourage this, as we feel a