are soft converted products, yet beam,
are dds, as well as right of way,
girder, and lateral bracing lengths are
such as 20 m each side. Frogs,
dds which can be varied. Vertical
spikes, and wood ties could probably
bridge clearances are dds.
be soft converted.
Environmental In water supply and
Water Engineering Prefabricated
waste treatment, components (ex,
components in hydroelectric
facilities may be soft converted,
soft converted, yet structures for
such as impulse or reaction
sedimentation tanks, grit chambers,
turbines. Yet a primary product is
sand filters, activated sludge process
concrete, so the dds such as height,
facilities, oxidation ponds, sludge
thickness, spillway and intake tower
thickening facilities involve many
dimensions, could be hard metric.
dimensions which can be rounded.
100 % Rule Over 90 % of current
Facilities Rooms are often from
products will be used, but strive
centerline to centerline or face to
for 100 % hard design dimensions.
face, if studs are hard or soft metric.
Light switches are soft, but mounting
Most drawings show installation
heights are easily rounded. Ceiling
dimensions, which can be varied,
heights are dds. Bar placements and
often independent of product sizes.
wall thickness are dds. Slab to slab
heights (ex, 5 m) are dds.
Thus drawings will be mostly hard
metric and make installation by our
Conduit, alarm systems, motors,
partners in the trades easier.
boilers, pumps and valves will have
Metric Codes and Criteria
product dimensions soft converted, but
installation dimensions (ie, dds) are
Criteria We recommend new or
hard converted.
revised criteria for design (ex,
handbooks, specs) be issued in
Marine Mooring posts, cleats, piles,
metric only.
fender systems, buoys, and precast
breakwater units have product
People no longer debate if or when,
dimensions which could be soft
but realization of permanence
converted. Yet turning basins,
emerges, and metric thinking begins.
breakwaters, freight terminals,
bulkhead wharfs, dolphins, fixed
Directives to go metric, along with
mooring berths, rock moles and
issuance of dual dimensioned
trestles, have dimensions that are
criteria, appear contradictory.
readily rounded.
If the new ceiling height is 2700
Rail 136 RE rail and standard joint
mm, those with any experience will
and tie components may be used in
not forget this is about 9 feet.
elevated high speed rail, with products
soft converted, yet center to center
Old documents propagate for years,
for support piers could be hard, such
even decades, and will bridge the
as 25 m. Top and subballast thickness