This document may be freely copied
and distributed.
Since issuance of the last version of
this guide, SI has taken firm root in
Our goals for this edition have
the US construction community.
For almost all Americans, there is now
Give lessons learned on use of
a project being planned or designed
which will be built in metric within 1-
2 hours of their home.
Minimize impact on design firms,
contractors, and producers,
Many of us are located close to some of
while complying with the
the projects already being constructed
national directive of complete
in metric.
metric conversion.
Some of the largest federal and state
Use private sector guidance
projects are now being planned or
wherever possible.
designed in metric, and significant
activities have begun at local levels.
Convert to a metric thought
It is highly probable that the type of
project you are starting has already
Many regions have metric
been designed in metric by another
construction, and most others
region, or another federal, state or
have done metric planning or
local government.
designing, so basic material has
been condensed or deleted.
At a minimum, something similar has
been designed in metric, to answer your
We have avoided using old units
questions. The trick is locating the
wherever possible.
proper source, and obtaining material
you need.
Improve page efficiency, getting
more on fewer pages, making it
Through strong communication this can
feasible to insert the document
be achieved.
into every AE and construction
bid package.
Now managing major metric construction
This also reduces costs and
projects, we reject assertions that
conserves resources.
metric design and construction are not
Most guidance is consistent with the
previous edition.
After January 1994, all GSA renovation
and new construction projects shall be
This document supplements national
designed in metric.
policies. If it conflicts with them,
those documents ofcourse govern.
We thank the private firms,
contractors, government agencies, and
WARNING Sample drawings and data
individuals who provided feedback.
are from many sources and are for
the explicit purpose of showing good