JULY 2005
SFO NO. V101-183R-xxx-xxx-xx
Vinyl composition floor tile (VCT) complying with VA Master Construction Specification 09660, Resilient
Tile Flooring shall be provided at locations in Schedule C. All corridor floors shall be covered with
composition vinyl tile.
VCT shall be non-asbestos, 1/8 inch thick. RESILIENT SHEET FLOORING:
Resilient Sheet Flooring (RSF) complying with VA Master Construction Specification 09665, Resilient
Sheet Flooring shall be provided at locations listed in Schedule C. RSF shall be minimum nominal
thickness 0.08 inch; 6 foot minimum width. Foam backed sheet flooring is not acceptable. Rooms to
receive RSF shall have 6-inch integral cove base (flash coving). WELDED SEAM SHEET FLOORING:
Welded Seam Sheet Flooring (WSF) shall be provided in accordance with VA Master Construction
Specification 09666, Resilient Sheet Flooring (Heat Welded Seams). Rooms to receive WSF shall have
6inch integral cove base (flash coving).
New broadloom carpet shall be used as floor covering areas indicated in Schedule C; such carpet will be
acceptable provided it meets or exceeds the requirements in VA Master Construction Specification 09680,
Carpet. The successful offeror/lessor shall submit carpet samples and specifications. If pile carpeting is
used, it should have a textured, patterned, tight weave and low tight, dense, loop pile. Plush or cut pile is
not acceptable.
//Provide new carpet tile as floor covering in those areas indicated in Schedule C of this Solicitation; such
carpet tile will be acceptable provided it meets or exceeds the requirements in VA MCS 09680.// INSTALLATION:
Carpet shall be a direct glue down installation following the manufacturer' instructions. All patterns and/or
stripes shall match. A seam layout plan shall be provided for broadloom to assure that seams are located
out of major traffic patterns. SAMPLES FOR COLOR SELECTION:
When carpet must be newly installed or be changed, the offeror will provide the Government a minimum of
four samples of carpeting which vary in color. The color selected shall have the ability to disguise soil in
entrance areas and wax-track off in areas adjacent to vinyl composition. A small pattern, tweed or heather
effect is most desirable. The sample and color must be approved by the Contracting Officer prior to
installation. No substitution will be made by the offeror after sample selection. REPLACEMENT:
Carpet must be replaced at anytime during the lease when it cannot be satisfactorily cleaned, stains
removed or when excessive wearing or tearing occurs or unsightly seaming is noticed. The
determination will be made by the Contracting Officer. At a minimum, the carpet will be replaced
every eight (8) years. All replacement work will be done after hours at the Lessor's expense,
including moving and replacing furniture.
Part I: Basic Solicitation Requirements Page 149 of 169
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