JULY 2005
SFO NO. V101-183R-xxx-xxx-xx
Provide an accessible sidewalk from an exterior door of the outpatient clinic to the MRI pad. Provide a
canopy for the walkway from the clinic to the MRI pad. The canopy shall comply with criteria in Sections 5
and 6 of Part I of the SFO.
Provide one (1) each panic (duress) button in MRI enclosure, connected to main panic (duress) alarm
Integrate the landscape planting design with the overall design of the site. The landscape planting shall
compliment the architecture, preserve designated site features, facilitate vehicular and pedestrian access,
create open areas and vegetative screens, and consist of plant material that promotes sustainable
Select plants that are indigenous to the area, require little maintenance, and are disease and insect
resistant. Select plant material that is nursery propagated from sources as close as practicable to the
project area that are indigenous to the area, locally available, low maintenance, and disease and insect
resistant. Plant materials shall conform to the standardized system of the American Association of
Nurserymen, Inc. current American Standards for Nursery Stock, ANSI Z60.1.
Do not select plants for patient areas that are poisonous, highly aromatic, irritating, or thorny. In parking
and pedestrian areas avoid plants that drop fruit or sap. Locate plants so they do not interfere with driver
or pedestrian visibility, circulation, and safety.
Plant bed outlines curvature shall have minimum radii of 3 feet. Design lawn areas to facilitate
Provide metallic edging or concrete curbs around shrub beds (essential where Bermuda or similar grasses
are grown).
Utilize ground cover on slopes steeper than 3:1, i.e., 3 feet to 1 foot.
The Lessor shall provide a flagpole at a location to be approved by the Contracting Officer. It must extend
at least 30 feet above the ground. Flag pole shall be equipped with rope and hardware for two flags. The
Government will provide the flags. This requirement will be waived if determined inappropriate by the
Government. Exterior lighting (two each light fixtures spaced a minimum of twenty feet apart, mounted on
the building or at grade) shall be provided to illuminate the flag at night. Automatic switching for light
fixtures shall be provided.
An exterior structure of approximately 150 square feet must be provided near one of the outside doors to
the outpatient clinic building for the purpose of providing shelter for patients, visitors, volunteers, and
employees who wish to smoke. The structure shall be built near the side or rear of the building away from
and out of sight of the main clinic entrance. The smoking shelter shall be architecturally compatible with
the main structure. The shelter must be at least 50 feet from any building entrance. The structure must be
accessible to disabled persons as specified in Section 4 of the Basic Solicitation. The structure must be
heated, air conditioned, and equipped with a ventilation system that meets OSHA requirements. The
Part I: Basic Solicitation Requirements Page 66 of 169
Lessor __________ Gov't. __________
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