JULY 2005
SFO NO. V101-183R-xxx-xxx-xx
Evaluation of offered prices will be on the basis of the annual price per NUSF, including any option
periods. The Government will perform present value price evaluation by reducing the prices per NUSF to
a composite annual square foot price, as follows:
Parking and wareyard areas will be excluded from the total square footage, but not from the price.
Editing Note: Verify discount and inflation rates at time
SFO is issued.
The annual per square foot price minus the base cost of operating expenses (line 27 of GSA Form
1217) will be discounted annually at 8 percent to yield a net present value cost (PVC) per square foot.
The operating expenses will be both escalated at 4 percent compounded annually and discounted
annually at 8 percent, then added to the net PVC to yield the gross PVC.
To the gross PVC will be added:
The cost of Government-provided services not included in the rental escalated at 4 percent
compounded annually and discounted annually at 8 percent.
The annualized cost per NUSF, over the full term of the lease, including the renewal option(s), for
all Schedule B items, which will be reimbursed to the Lessor by lump sum payment. (The cost of
these items is present value; therefore, it will not be discounted.)
The cost of relocation of furniture and telecommunications, if applicable.
The sum of the above will be the per NUSF present value of the offer for price evaluation purposes.
In addition to price, offers will be evaluated against three factors (Technical Quality, Operations and
Maintenance Plan, and Offeror's Qualifications/Past Performance), which are listed in descending order of
importance. All sub-factors are also listed in descending order of importance. TECHNICAL QUALITY:
The technical quality factor includes the quality of the building, site development, and the design concept.
The Offeror is required to submit a detailed design concept narrative that addresses this factor and all of
its sub-factors. Quality Of Building & Design Concept:
The Offeror must submit plans (per Paragraph 3.17) along with the design concept narrative. VA will
evaluate the plans and design concept narrative based upon the following. Architectural Concept:
This factor considers the interior functional and spatial relationships shown in the Offeror's floor plan and
compliance with the requirements of VA's space program, Schedule C. It is the Offeror's responsibility to
ensure all code requirements are met. Consideration will be given to the number and size of floors,
column placement, shape of footprint, circulation systems, and placement of mechanical, plumbing, and
electrical service spaces. Building Design:
This factor refers to the technical excellence and the appropriateness of the design in meeting VA needs
and criteria. Building efficiency, energy conservation, functionality, and building systems are key elements
to be considered. Construction materials will be evaluated with respect to the type and durability proposed
for construction. The building must meet or exceed the requirements specified in this solicitation. This
Part I: Basic Solicitation Requirements Page 14 of 169
Lessor __________ Gov't. __________
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