identification number.
h) Classify each impacted space as to the OSHA Class of Work
and the work requirements, i.e., Negative Pressure Enclosure
or Glove Bag work. Areas which require no abatement shall be
indicated, as well.
i) For each abatement area, provide quantity and cost estimates
of all asbestos within the limits of the area. Quantities
are to be indicated in linear feet of pipe and square feet
of ceilings and walls. The cost is to be derived from the
quantities multiplied by a unit price for that application.
j) Summary of the square feet of floor space for all abatement
areas, the total linear and square feet of asbestos to be
abated, the total cost of abatement and a preliminary
schedule of completion. Include in the cost estimate any
cost for decontamination of equipment and fixtures.
l) Assessment of the impact of abatement on building sub-systems
such as ceilings, lights, walls, carpets, pipes and equipment.
Provide room by room description and estimated quantities of
square feet of ceiling, etc.) and a summary of these
quantities. Provide a cost estimate for all impacted items.
m) All pertinent information on impacted areas (description of
location, function, extent of renovation) plan, sampling
analysis, existing data (previous samples,
inspections/assessments, abatement projects, as-built data,
inspection reports and any other information supportive of the
findings and recommendations of the report. Arrange the main
body of the report on a building by building basis. Provide all
other relevant information so that the reader of the report
will be able to follow the rationale of the author for ACM and
ACE identification and estimates. Provide in the appendix any
supportive data such as analytical results, sketches, notes,
6) Coordinate with other trades of the A/E team, especially
architectural, mechanical and electrical to ensure that all ACE
related work is properly accounted in the design and cost
estimates of these trades.
7) Submit the complete, signed and coordinated report for review at
the first design development review submittal.