4) Results of the visual inspection of the building to determine
location and condition of asbestos materials.
5) Presentation of Sampling Plan outlined in Task 1.
b. Provide name and location of EPA NIST/NVLAP and AIHA qualified
laboratory for bulk and air sample analysis which I.H.
consultant intends to utilize.
A. A/E Team Other Than I.H. Consultant:
The Impact of Asbestos Abatement on Building Sub-Systems.
1. TASK 1.
a. Review Asbestos Exposure/Inspection Assessment Report and outline
the impact of this work on all building sub-systems such as
ceilings, lights, walls, carpets, pipes, equipment, etc. Include
costs in project estimate to cover the impact of asbestos
abatement on all sub-systems costs.
b. The PIH shall contact, if needed, EPA/OSHA, state, county, and
city officials to determine their policy on the removal and
acceptance by landfills of non-friable asbestos containing
materials (ACM) e.g., floor tile, tile mastic, and roofing
The EPA NESHAP's and VA's position is that undamaged
non-friable ACM does not pose a health hazard and consequently
does not have to be removed under negative air containment
conditions during a demolition/renovation project, except for
chipping of floor tile, nor disposed of in an asbestos approved
landfill, providing that removal or demolition procedures do not
make the ACM become friable.
Obtain the position of the above
officials, in writing, on these issues.
If the above officials
disagree with the VA's position, the PIH shall provide written
recommendations as well as the above official's position, in
writing, to the VA's Project Manager.
Additionally, the PIH shall
include copies of the relevant regulations cited by the above
c. Review phasing plan and incorporate and coordinate any new
Submit coordinated plan including costs as part of
B. I. H. Consultant:
1. TASK 1.
Sampling, Survey and Assessment Report:
a. The objective of this task is to execute the approved sampling
plan; to evaluate analytical results; to perform a detailed survey
of the areas with ACM and ACE for determination of quantities and
to prepare a Scope of Work reflecting the results of the sampling